本文选题:村民 切入点:村委会 出处:《湖北工业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Rural reform and innovation is the focus of the first document of the Central Committee in 2015. It is a key point to build a harmonious society by increasing the vitality of rural development, comprehensively deepening rural reform, and further standardizing the responsibilities of village committees and the decision-making and management procedures of village affairs. At the same time, it is also an important and difficult point. Under the premise of the gradual deepening of the system of villager autonomy and the gradual upgrading of the level of democratization, the quality of the peasants continues to improve, at the same time, the willingness to participate in politics and discuss politics is also obviously strengthened. At the same time, there are some problems in the governance structure that are not scientific enough. These problems lie in the main body of governance in the final analysis, mainly because of the dislocation of the subject of governance, the insufficient interaction between the subjects of governance and the disorder of behavior. Good governance in the village area is the practice of the modernization of national governance in the countryside. In the practice of governance in the countryside, the key point of good governance in the village domain lies in the villagers and the village committee. In order to promote the relationship between villagers and village committees, it is necessary to establish a kind of benign interaction between villagers and village committees, and the issue of good interaction between villagers and village committees must be paid attention to in order to promote the relationship between villagers and village committees. The villagers and the village committee can better promote the good governance of the village area through the benign interaction, introduce the basis of selecting the topic, the research method and the possible innovation, at the same time, expound the related concepts of the interaction, the benign interaction, and so on. This paper analyzes the theoretical basis, policy basis and practical basis of the interaction between villagers and village committee, and classifies the interaction between villagers and village committee, which is divided into cooperative relationship, compulsory service relationship and conflict relationship. Questionnaire survey data analysis to understand the villagers and village committee interaction status quo and existing problems, at the same time, the interaction obstacles are analyzed, from the cooperative relationship, compulsory service from the relationship and conflict relationship angle to elaborate the current situation. The causes mainly include the common causes of villagers and village committees, the causes of the villagers' angles and the causes of the village committees' angles, on the basis of which the author puts forward the following points: clarifying the main body's responsibilities, straightening out the interest relations, building a society ruled by law, and perfecting the legal system. To build a good atmosphere, build a benign interactive platform, improve the management ability of village cadres, cultivate democratic awareness of villagers and other aspects of the villagers and the village committee to achieve positive interaction put forward suggestions.
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