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发布时间:2018-03-26 22:24

  本文选题:社会主义法治 切入点:公民教育 出处:《河北经贸大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国社会主义法治建设,是中国共产党领导中国人民,在长期的革命、建设和改革开放的社会实践中艰苦探索,不断推进和逐步完善的,是具有中国特色的,是历史的必然。在社会主义法治进程中,法律体系在不断健全、完善中建成,民众的法律意识不断增强,学法知法守法用法护法已然成风,社会主流文化呈现出民主法治的局面。诚然,我国的公民教育,也因应人民当家作主的时代格局,在社会主义法治建设中进行,以培养具有权利意识和义务(责任)担当,并兼具私人生活和公共参与能力与美德的合格公民为目标。在改革开放的新形势下,进一步扬弃封建落后思想、吸收借鉴外来先进理念、进行公民教育的要求日益强烈,因而,实现法治建设与公民教育的结合提上日程。在法律意义上,公民是国家的最基本要素,也是推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设和社会建设的主体,更是发展社会主义民主政治、全面落实依法治国基本方略的主力。 中国的公民教育经过了长期曲折的发展,从建国前的借鉴摸索,到建国后及改革开放以来的复苏,再到2007年的中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会,胡锦涛在大会上所作报告的第六部分,标题就是“坚定不移发展社会主义民主政治”,其中提出,“加强公民意识教育,树立社会主义民主法治、自由平等、公平正义理念”,这是党的文献中第一次出现公民教育一词,也意味着公民教育从此被确立为国家政治发展的目标。 公民及公民教育是民主政治的产物。在与民主政治相对的封建专制体制下,中国只有臣民与私民,没有公民,更谈不上公民教育。公民是一个于近代从国外传入的概念,公民教育则是在近代中国由民族危机与社会危机所引发和启动的宪政进程中发展起来的。中国的公民教育试图借鉴西方民主思想与制度形式,寄望通过教育造就“新民”,实现挽救民族危亡的历史夙愿。中国公民教育的核心内容是公民政治教育、法治教育、伦理道德教育和能力素质教育等方面,其目标是培养真正意义上的公民。 中国社会主义法治建设为公民教育提供了公平、正义的平台和法治基础,公民教育为社会主义法治建设培养了遵纪守法的公民,二者相辅相成、互相促进。本文具体框架如下: 第一部分概述中国社会主义法治进程,首先了介绍中国社会主义法治道路的形成发展过程,其次介绍了改革开放30年来法治建设的成就,最后探索了“以人为本”的社会主义法治理念和公民教育的关系。 第二部分详细阐述了中国社会主义法治进程中公民教育的现状与内容,分析了我国公民教育所取得的成绩和存在的问题,探讨了包括政治教育、法治教育、道德教育和能力素质教育等在内的我国公民教育的内容,并阐述了中国社会主义法治进程中公民教育的意义。 第三部分研究了具有中国特色的公民教育,提出了健全机构、立足学校、依托社区、利用传媒等对策建议。
[Abstract]:China China is building a socialist rule of law, the leadership of the Communist Party of China people in the long-term social practice hard exploration of revolution, construction and reform and opening, continue to promote and gradually perfect, has Chinese characteristics, is a historical necessity. In the process of socialist legal system, the legal system continues to improve, improve the legal awareness of the built in, people continue to enhance the learning method of knowing law-abiding usage protectors has become common practice, social mainstream culture reflects the situation of democracy and the rule of law. Indeed, the citizen education of our country, because of the people in power pattern of the era, in the construction of socialist rule of law, to cultivate the consciousness of right and obligation (responsibility) act, and both qualified citizens private life and public participation ability and virtue as the goal. In the new situation of reform and opening up, further sublate the feudal backward ideas, absorb foreign advanced ideas, Civic education requirements increasingly intense, therefore, to realize the combination of legal construction and citizen education on the agenda. In the legal sense, the citizen is the most basic elements of the country, but also to promote the socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction, is the development of socialist democratic politics and comprehensively implement the rule of law basic the main strategy.
The development of civic education China after a long and tortuous, from before the founding of the reference to exploration, since after the founding of new China and the reform and opening up to the Chinese recovery, 2007 Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party, the sixth part of Hu Jintao in the conference report, the title is "unswervingly developing socialist democracy", which is put forward, "to strengthen civic education and establish a socialist democracy and the rule of law, freedom and equality, fairness and justice", this is the first time the document of the party in the civic education, civic education also means that from this was established as the national political development goals.
Citizen and civic education is the product of democracy and democratic politics. In the feudal autocratic system, China only subjects and private citizens, no, not to mention the citizenship education. In the modern citizen is a concept introduced from abroad, the civil education is developed in the modern China caused by the national crisis with the social crisis and start the constitutional process. Civic education Chinese tried to the western democratic ideas and system form, bring up "Xinmin hope" through education, implementation of saving the nation from history. The core content of China long cherished wish of civic education and civic political education, legal education, moral education and ability education. The goal is to develop a true sense of the citizens.
China's socialist rule of law has provided a fair, just platform and a rule of law basis for civic education. Civic education has cultivated discipline and law-abiding citizens for the socialist rule of law. The two complement each other and promote each other.
The first part is an overview of China law course, first introduced the process of formation and development of Chinese socialist legal system, then introduces the achievements of the construction of rule of law in 30 years of reform and opening up, and finally explore the relationship between "people-oriented" concept of socialist rule of law and citizen education.
The second part elaborates the status and content of civic education Chinese in the process of socialist law, analyzes the citizen education of our country's achievements and problems, discusses the political education, legal education, moral education content and the ability of quality education, citizen education in China, and expounds the socialist civic education Chinese in the process of rule of law.
The third part studies the civic education with Chinese characteristics, and puts forward some suggestions for improving the organization, based on the school, relying on the community, and using the media.



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相关重要报纸文章 前10条

1 胡勇;让公民更多地参与到法治进程中来[N];法制日报;2003年

2 本报记者 徐瑾;徐贲:中国应进入公民教育时代[N];中国经营报;2009年

3 本报实习生 陈祥林;经典案件映射法治进程[N];人民法院报;2009年

4 高剑;公民教育助力公民社会的成长[N];东莞日报;2009年

5 吴俊;爱国主义是公民教育的永恒主题[N];人民日报;2010年

6 实习记者孔任远;网络力量助推法治进程[N];中国社会科学报;2010年

7 利港镇 魏锋;让公民教育在幸福江阴建设中彰显[N];江阴日报;2010年

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9 郭yN 四川省中共成都市委党校;排队问题事关法治进程[N];中国社会报;2010年

10 关娇萱;南京下关区:教育界与法律界合作推进公民教育[N];江苏教育报;2010年

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3 陈华;中国公民教育的诞生—课程史的研究[D];华东师范大学;2012年

4 李新月;我国大学公民教育研究[D];华中科技大学;2011年

5 王文岚;社会科课程中的公民教育研究[D];西北师范大学;2004年

6 丁国民;法治“三农”[D];中南大学;2004年

7 姬振旗;20世纪80年代以来英国中小学公民教育研究[D];河北师范大学;2009年

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