本文选题:托克维尔 切入点:平等观念 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:"Equality" is a word full of strong appeal rights and ethical values, its connotation is also accompanied by the development of human civilization and the increasingly rich. From the original expression of the concept of equality to construct the theory of equality, equality from the content increasingly rich and equal value of continuous development, equal to achieve a complete right value evolution. People's political participation and individual rights consciousness, to become equal political order problems; and the revolutionary movement and the baptism of enlightenment thought gradually, Tocqueville made the concept of equality has unique insights and understanding. In pursuit of equality due to the political consequences, Tocqueville deeply regret, he tried to dialectical the relationship between the tuning of freedom and equality, to realize the coexistence of their political ecology. Only the right to correct attitude, clear awareness of rights, rights to get real and desire A rational expression, the right resources can be fully and enjoy the depth. Then Tocqueville began to build its new political theory, and on the basis of complete reflection and reconstruction of the concept of equality. The reflection and reconstruction process, not only contains Tocqueville's political concern, but also understand the starting point of the whole political theory. The first part mainly introduces the reasons for the formation of Tocqueville's thought. Knowing that the French Revolution History and people's mentality of Tocqueville, on the political status quo that enjoy equal and voluntary servitude is very worrying. Hidden behind the crisis in equality, equal opportunity, equal passion in confused by French people there, evolved into a political revolution with the social crisis. So Tocqueville is curious, American society has not been this emotional intrusion. Tocqueville intended by comparison and Consideration on the history of the French Revolution The United States and the practice of democracy, in order to achieve the construction of the new political theory. The thought of equality is one of the core content of the political theory, therefore, the causes of the ideas of equality, is crucial to the understanding of the connotation of Tocqueville's political thought and its historical limitations. Therefore, this part try from the perspective of theory and social theory and the two horizons the social origin of the equal thought produced. The second part shows the two section of Tocqueville equality cognition as a whole, namely equality of good and evil. Tocqueville will be equal to summarize characteristics of the modern "equality", it can promote the freedom of thought, stimulate the public spirit, conceived the concept of rights, legal culture this makes sense. Tocqueville because the enlightenment influenced by tread on air, people dare to break the hitherto unknown courage and boldness hierarchy of the chains, and constant Actions to express their longing and pursuit of equality in society. However, when people are for the victory of the revolution and rejoicing, new slavery has quietly, political disaster. Also accidentaly across the human personality and social vitality weakened, individualism and the spread of mild despotism and the breeding of self thought and materialism, it is this the history of the political disaster, in this regard, Tocqueville was very apprehensive. The third part mainly introduces Tocqueville to deal with the evil of equality provided a cure. People love extreme equality and ignoring the pursuit of freedom to despotism and tyranny, let Tocqueville feel the "democratic" of suffering, and experienced the political disaster lead in the social practice. Tocqueville tries to build a new political theory to save mode to open the political crisis, and ultimately cure equal evil. He thinks, can Through the cure of political freedom has to realize the potential disease equal; can purify the human mind through religion, in order to realize private morality and public morality by tuning; principle of "correct understanding of interests" against individualism, to realize people's rational regression. Conclusion mainly discusses the historical limitations of the core category of equality theory "and Tocqueville's concept of equality, and review the course of Tocqueville s construction of new political theory in the history of history. From the perspective of equal development can be scrutinized, many thinkers point of view is divided into two categories: the absolute equality and the relative equality. However, the two complement each other, no good and evil discriminatio. As a specific historical during the period of political thinkers, Tocqueville revealed some limitations in explaining the thought of equality, which is mainly manifested in its field of study, the content and the object. The idea is always being verified in the political practice and perfected in the historical process. However, how the beautiful political idea can match the realistic social order will test people's wisdom and the whole society's consciousness.
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