本文选题:言论自由 切入点:网络 出处:《安徽大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Freedom of speech, simply means that people in accordance with their wishes to speak freely, and listen to the statement of rights. With the advent of the Internet era, the Internet has become more and more people express ideal place of speech. Because the right variety and diversity, and the network anonymity itself has many characteristics, openness and real time interactive, people in the exercise of freedom of speech and often involves the public interests and the legitimate rights of others. At the same time, the freedom of speech as citizens of one of the most basic and most important constitutional rights, it is not only the premise of self personality and realize the development of citizens in a democratic society, progress is also important role. In real life, how to define the legal boundaries of freedom of speech on the Internet has become a problem worthy of study, is also the focus of this paper. How to deal with words Discussion on the relationship between freedom and the public interests and the legitimate rights of others, to safeguard the citizens' freedom of speech, and promote the construction of the rule of law society has important significance. This paper is divided into preface, text, conclusion of three parts of the network, the value of freedom of speech, theory of constraints are discussed in detail. Based on the analysis of "Qin fire fire case of two high on the handling of the" defamation law applicable to certain issues in criminal cases explanations of the use of information networks, from a macro point of view in order to arouse the reader's thinking. The text is mainly divided into three parts: the first part gives an overview of the theory of freedom of speech on the Internet as a whole angle. This paper expounds the connotation of the freedom of speech, it is divided into two broad and narrow sense, this article based on the research needs, this paper only from the narrow sense of freedom of speech analysis, i.e. Includes news, publishing, demonstrations, demonstrations and other broad freedom of speech. In addition to the general sense, awareness of constitutional rights to freedom of speech is, the author quoted the view of Professor Liu Zuoxiang, the freedom of speech is also a kind of personal rights and individual rights. Secondly, the author analyzes the important value of the freedom of speech: the construction of self from the two aspects of personality, individual and society to promote democracy, promote tolerance, maintain the moral foundation of society, promote the cultural development of society and economy and so on. Third, the author systematically analyzes the legal regulation of freedom of speech at home and abroad, analyzes the existence of the freedom of speech in the legal regulation of the problems and shortcomings. Finally, the author focuses on the analysis of the new development of the freedom of speech under the network environment, and puts forward some problems. The second part focuses on the analysis of the restrictions on freedom of speech theory. Firstly, right The interest conflict problem. In my opinion, on the issue of cognition is the freedom of speech on the Internet before the law. The author from the abstract boundary right conflict exists, what is the main problem of the conflict of rights, rights conflict, reason and essence of the conflict of rights, rights conflict solution in five aspects in detail on the question of the right conflict. The conflict of rights problems now get academic consensus. In the main conflict of rights issues, the author introduces the viewpoint of Professor Zhang Qianfan, inspiring readers this problem from different perspective. In the reason of conflict of rights and substantive issues, the author introduces the academic scholars the different cognition of this problem. Finally, the scholars from the utilitarian principle of economic analysis of law, legal principle, legal methodology and different theories put forward their own solution to the question of the right conflict The road, the author makes a comment on it. Secondly, this paper analyzes the limits of freedom of speech in the four reasons: the right of others and honor, national security, public order, public morality, and restrictions on freedom of speech three principle, legitimacy, purposiveness, proportionality principle. The third part the Qin fire fire case as an example, discusses the existing problems in the freedom of speech on the Internet. The author first introduces about the case, then made an analysis from the perspective of the theory of traditional criminal libel case involving the Qin, and then put forward the general law of defamation Defenses -- real or justified that privilege, fair comment, incomplete reply. Finally, the paper made detailed analysis on the existing problems in the whole process of the case, and focus on the two "libel law explanations of comments and analysis from the macro perspective of the Qin case possible Great influence, proposed the necessity of the rule of law and moral self-discipline in parallel. The conclusion part, the importance of freedom of speech. Call again by exploring the boundaries on the legal network of freedom of speech, from a macro point of view, in order to lead the reader on the current social problems, to freedom of speech, constitutionalism, judicial independence, mutual relationship between and their awareness of the importance of building the rule of law, to speak of freedom is the cultivation of citizen democratic society rational thinking premise conclusion.
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