本文选题:东北振兴 + 法治建设 ; 参考:《社会科学战线》2017年09期
[Abstract]:From the perspective of comparative analysis of the reasons for the decline of Northeast China, it can be found that the key to the new round of revitalization in Northeast China is to perfect the rule of law and optimize the development of soft environment. The construction of the rule of law in Northeast China has encountered cultural obstacles, which are mainly manifested in: first, the Northeast is deeply influenced by traditional agriculture and industrial culture, but the development of trade culture is insufficient; second, the southeast coastal areas have experienced the baptism of market economy and the concept of rule of law in modern times. Third, the Northeast is the region where the planned economy was first formed, withdrew and carried out the most thoroughly. The planned economic "birthmark" of the Northeast people in cultural and ideological terms is the heaviest; fourth, Compared with the south, the northeast family organizations and civil organizations are not developed in quantity and quality, which has a negative impact on the development of enterprise organization and the rule of law. It can be seen that the construction of the rule of law in Northeast China is not only a system problem, but also a cultural transformation and legal culture construction. In order to realize the cultural transformation and the development of the culture of rule of law in Northeast China, we need to interact with each other from the following aspects: first, through the combination of the strategy of revitalizing the Northeast and the national strategy of "comprehensively promoting the rule of law", we can promote the cultural transformation of the Northeast and the construction of the culture of rule by law Second, through the popularization of law and legal aid, to promote the northeast culture transformation and rule of law culture construction; third, through the construction of non-governmental organizations, to promote the Northeast culture transformation and rule of law culture construction; fourth, through urbanization, The fifth is to promote and stimulate the transformation of Northeast culture and the construction of rule by law culture through further deepening the opening to the outside world. The cultural transformation and the cultivation of the culture of rule of law are the source of the development of the rule of law and the revitalization of the northeast.
【作者单位】: 东南大学法学院;
【基金】:黑龙江大学省长特别委托项目(16XWZ001) 高校人文社会科学重点基地项目(HDJDZ201602)
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