本文选题:中国共产党 + 党内民主 ; 参考:《山东大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:党内民主是党的生命。推进党内民主建设是中国共产党基于党情、社情、国情、世情的时代变迁而自觉进行的适应性调整与战略部署。发展党内民主,能够有效回应党员群众日益增长的民主诉求,增强党的现代合法性,促进政党现代化转型,提高党的领导水平和执政能力,无疑对推动我国民主政治发展具有直接的作用。然而我们要清醒地认识到,当前党内民主建设中依然存在不少问题,党内民主尚未大范围有效运转起来,党内民主建设还有很长的路要走。因此探索既循序渐进,又适时突破的增量党内民主道路成为当务之急。 本文运用规范与实证、历史与现实相结合的研究方法。全文共有五部分组成。第一章绪论,对党内民主研究背景、研究现状、研究方法、论文结构及特点进行了阐述。第二章党内民主的基本内涵。鉴于民主与党内民主的密切关系,首先从民主的基本理论切入,系统梳理了纯粹民主与混合民主演变历程,当代民主政治的运作机制、价值判断及实现路径等问题,接着叙述了民主与党内民主一般性与特殊性的关系,进而对党内民主的性质目的、发展道路、科学内涵、基本特征以及与集中统一的关系进行了系统阐述,保证党内民主建设的方向性。第三章进入党内民主的实然问题研究,找出党内民主建设中面临的主要问题,包括党员主体权利处于弱势地位,呈现虚化状态;民主决策机制不健全,盲目拍板现象屡见不鲜;民主选举制度设计不严密,选人用人公信力不足;民主监督低效化,腐败问题较为严重;党内民主基层试点存在局限性,“孤岛”现象突出等问题。第四章对制约党内民主发展的原因进行了全方位探析,包括权本位政治文化与政治传统的历史惯性;民主意识与领导体制滞后于时代发展的客观要求;党内民主制度体系化建设及创新力不足;缺乏科学的风险防范意识与能力等方面。第五章关于如何推进党内民主建设,突出以制度建设、结构优化、理顺关系为主线,提出基本建设思路:发展党内民主不选择激进的休克疗法,而要走增量党内民主道路;构建“一揽子”严密制度体系,使之贯穿于党内民主建设的始终;积极推进党内民主试点,在不断反馈基础上进行动态调整和允许试错。在具体对策建议上,提出要树立党员为本理念,以制度的权威切实保障党员主体权利;理顺权力关系;构建合理均衡的权力结构;完善党委内部票决制,保证决策的科学化;优化选举程序,建立健全两种选人方式的兼容机制;构建全方位监督网络,强化监督效能;大力推进基层民主试点创新,积极探索党内民主制度化模式;构建风险防范体系,全力助推党内民主建设。
[Abstract]:Inner-Party democracy is the life of the Party. To promote the construction of inner-party democracy is a self-conscious adjustment and strategic arrangement of the Communist Party of China based on the changes of the times of the Party sentiment, the social situation, the national situation and the world situation. The development of inner-party democracy can effectively respond to the increasing democratic demands of the masses of party members, enhance the party's modern legitimacy, promote the transformation of the party's modernization, and improve the Party's leadership level and ruling ability. Undoubtedly, it has a direct effect on promoting the development of democratic politics in our country. However, we should soberly realize that there are still many problems in the construction of inner-party democracy, that is, the inner-party democracy has not yet been functioning effectively in a large scale, and there is still a long way to go in the construction of inner-party democracy. Therefore, it is urgent to explore the incremental democratic road that is both gradual and timely breakthrough. This paper uses normative and empirical research methods combining history and reality. The paper consists of five parts. The first chapter introduces the background, research status, research methods, structure and characteristics of inner-party democracy. The second chapter is the basic connotation of inner-party democracy. In view of the close relationship between democracy and inner-party democracy, this paper begins with the basic theory of democracy and systematically combs the evolution of pure democracy and mixed democracy, the operating mechanism of contemporary democratic politics, the value judgment and the path of realization, etc. Then it narrates the relationship between democracy and inner-party democracy in general and particularity, and then expounds systematically the nature of inner-party democracy, the way of development, the scientific connotation, the basic characteristics and the relationship with centralization and unity. To ensure the direction of democratic construction within the Party. The third chapter studies the real problems of inner-party democracy, and finds out the main problems in the construction of inner-party democracy, including the weak position of the party members' subject rights, the imperfect mechanism of democratic decision-making, and the phenomenon of blind decision making. The design of democratic election system is not strict, the credibility of selecting and employing personnel is insufficient, the democratic supervision is low efficient, the problem of corruption is more serious, and there are some limitations in the trial of democracy at the grass-roots level within the Party, and the phenomenon of "isolated islands" is prominent. Chapter four analyzes the reasons that restrict the development of inner-party democracy, including the historical inertia of political culture and tradition of power standard, the objective requirement of democratic consciousness and leadership system lagging behind the development of the times. The inner-party democratic system systematization construction and innovation ability are insufficient, the lack of scientific risk prevention consciousness and ability and so on. The fifth chapter is about how to promote the inner-party democracy construction, focusing on the system construction, structural optimization, straightening out the relationship as the main line, put forward the basic construction thinking: the development of inner-party democracy should not choose radical shock therapy, but take the incremental inner-party democracy; Construct a "package" strict system, make it run through the inner-party democratic construction from beginning to end, actively promote the inner-party democracy pilot, on the basis of constant feedback to dynamically adjust and allow trial and error. In the specific countermeasures and suggestions, we should set up the concept of Party members as the basis, ensure the rights of the main party members by the authority of the system, straighten out the power relations, construct a reasonable and balanced power structure, perfect the internal voting system of the party committees, and ensure the scientific decision-making. Optimize the election procedure, establish and improve the compatible mechanism of the two ways of selecting candidates; construct a comprehensive supervision network, strengthen the effectiveness of supervision; vigorously promote democracy pilot innovation at the grass-roots level, actively explore the democratic institutionalization model within the party; and construct a risk prevention system. All efforts should be made to boost the building of democracy within the Party.
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