发布时间:2018-06-05 03:52
本文选题:国内法治 + 国际法治 ; 参考:《山东大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着全球化进程的不断深入,世界各国在经济、政治、文化等领域的联系越来越密切,已经不可能再孤立发展,法治的理想也超越了民族国家的界限而拓展到了国际社会,从而产生了国际法治。20世纪70年代以来,国际法治一词在国际社会中的使用频率越来越高,探讨国际法治问题日益成为全球化时代的重大课题。当前,在实现国际法治的可能性问题上,仍然存在着广泛的理论争议;在实践中,虽然国际法治已经有了初步的发展,但仍然存在着许多问题和制约因素。因此,研究国际法治问题便具有十分重要的理论和现实意义,能够对国际社会的协调发展产生积极影响。 本文共由四个部分组成。第一部分从对国内法治和国际法治这两个概念的界定的研究入手,阐明了作者始终坚持实质法治概念的立场和观点;在国际法治的可能性的问题上,作者持乐观态度,并利用现有理论对国际法治的怀疑论者们所提出的理论难题进行了合理的解释。第二部分中作者指出国际法治的根本动因在于全球化,并进一步分析了全球化进程的各个方面对国际法治的推动作用,而后就国际法治的发展现状进行了简单论述。第三部分就当前存在的国际法不成体系、国际法律意识淡薄、缺乏有效的国际司法机制等国际法治面临的制约因素进行了具体分析,并进一步指出了实现国际法治的一种可能的路径——国际良法和全球善治。第四部分中作者具体阐述了强调联合国在国际法治中的重要作用、积极参与国际法新规则的制定、努力推动国际政治经济新秩序的建立、加强国内法治建设等中国应对国际法治趋势可以采取的对策。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of globalization, the countries of the world are more and more closely linked in the fields of economy, politics, culture and so on. It is no longer possible to develop in isolation. The ideal of the rule of law has also transcended the boundaries of nation-states and expanded to the international community. Since the 1970s, the term "international rule of law" has been used more and more frequently in the international society. Therefore, exploring the international rule of law has become an important topic in the era of globalization. At present, there are still extensive theoretical disputes on the possibility of realizing the international rule of law. In practice, although the international rule of law has made a preliminary development, there are still many problems and restrictive factors. Therefore, the study of the international rule of law is of great theoretical and practical significance and can have a positive impact on the coordinated development of the international community. This paper consists of four parts. The first part begins with the study of the definition of the domestic rule of law and the international rule of law, clarifies the author's position and viewpoint of adhering to the concept of substantive rule of law all the time, and is optimistic about the possibility of the international rule of law. The existing theories are used to explain the theoretical problems put forward by the skeptics of international rule of law. In the second part, the author points out that the fundamental motivation of international rule of law lies in globalization, and further analyzes the role of various aspects of globalization in promoting international rule of law, and then makes a brief discussion on the development of international rule of law. The third part of the existing international law is not systematic, international legal awareness is weak, lack of effective international judicial mechanism and other international legal constraints faced by the specific analysis. And further pointed out a possible path to achieve the international rule of law-international good law and global good governance. In the fourth part, the author specifically expounds the important role of the United Nations in the international rule of law, actively participates in the formulation of new rules of international law, and strives to promote the establishment of a new international political and economic order. Strengthening the construction of domestic rule of law and other countermeasures that China can take in response to the trend of international rule of law.
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