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发布时间:2018-06-07 17:15

  本文选题:高校 + 环境法制教育 ; 参考:《漳州师范学院》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校环境法制教育是高校开展思想政治教育,努力实现大学生素质教育全面发展的重要组成部分。随着我国高校普法教育的实施和十七大提出的要实施可持续发展战略,构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会和创新型国家,特别是有关生态文明的提出,环境法制教育越来越显示出其重要性来。而目前,高校在开展环境法制教育方面成效不够显著;因此,迫切需要对该问题加强重视,进行更深层次的研究。本文正是在这样的背景下分析我国高校环境法制教育的现状,并提出改进高校环境法制教育的对策。 本文从我国高校环境法制教育的必要性入手,第一部分,分析了目前我国高校环境法制教育的实施,是对国际社会环境保护的回应;是新世纪我国实施可持续发展战略、构建两型社会的需求,也是当代大学生全面成才的素质要求。 第二部分,对我国高校环境法制教育的现状进行了分析。阐述了我国高校环境法制教育的历程、已取得的成绩,进一步指出在高校环境法制教育中存在的问题。 第三部分,在论述我国高校环境法制教育的必要性以及我国在环境法制教育方面存在的问题等基础上,具体探讨了我国高校环境法制教育的对策。从更新教育观念、明确教育原则、优化教育内容、拓展教育渠道、改进教育方法等方面,全面提出对加强我国高校环境法制教育的思考。
[Abstract]:Environmental legal education in Colleges and universities is an important part of the development of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities, and efforts to realize the all-round development of College Students' quality education. With the implementation of general law education in Colleges and universities in China and the implementation of the sustainable development strategy, a resource-saving, environmental friendly society and an innovative country, especially the related ecology, are put forward. The importance of environmental legal education is becoming more and more important. At present, colleges and universities are not very effective in carrying out environmental legal education. Therefore, it is urgent to pay more attention to the problem and carry out a deeper study. The Countermeasures for the education of environmental legal system in Colleges and universities.
Starting with the necessity of environmental legal education in China's colleges and universities, the first part analyses the implementation of environmental legal education in Colleges and universities in China. It is the response to the environmental protection of the international community. It is the demand for the implementation of the sustainable development strategy and the construction of the two type of society in the new century, and the quality requirements for the all-round talent of the contemporary college students.
In the second part, the present situation of environmental legal education in Colleges and universities in China is analyzed. The course of environmental legal education in Colleges and universities in China is expounded. The achievements have been achieved, and the problems in the environmental legal education in Colleges and universities are further pointed out.
The third part, on the basis of discussing the necessity of the environmental legal education in China's colleges and universities as well as the existing problems in the environmental legal education in our country, discusses the Countermeasures of the environmental legal education in China's colleges and universities. It is comprehensive from the aspects of renewing the concept of Education, defining the principles of education, optimizing the content of education, expanding the channels of education and improving the methods of education. Put forward the thinking of strengthening the environmental legal education in Colleges and universities in China.


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