本文选题:行政奖励 + 奖励 ; 参考:《延边大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着市场经济的快速发展与现代国家政府职能的惟妙变迁,新型政府的施政手段和管制方式日益呈现出民主化、公开化、科技化、多元化等特点,行政惩罚等强制性、制裁性的权威色彩逐渐淡化,非强制性行政行为被广泛地运用于各个公众参与的现代行政管理领域中。其中,行政奖励作为政府提高行政效率、激励行政相对方良性作为而采取的积极行政措施,它的应势而生切合了市场经济和民主政治同步发展的需要,体现出引导、平等、合作、亲民、柔和、共赢的现代行政法人文主义精神和法治时代理念,具有其他非强制性行政行为无法比拟的灵活性与优越性,在行政管理中发挥着举足轻重的作用,一定程度上代表了现代行政法制的发展方向。 行政奖励是行政主体最大限度调动行政相对人实现行政管理目标的手段之一,突显主动性与创造性。我国行政奖励制度虽然已经发展得相对成熟,并在实践中大量运用,但长期以来,法学传统理论轻视它的社会效用,在立法、执法与法学研究中均没有受到应有的重视,立法规制严重缺失,行政主体滥用自由裁量权来衡量多方利益等客观因素的存在,致使行政奖励问题争议层出,负效应产生,行政奖励制度化、法治化成为空中楼阁,华而不实。将行政奖励列入法治化轨道,用行政法律加以制度化规范,是势在必行的措施。 本文通过对建国以来我国行政奖励制度演变过程的梳理,结合近年来因行政奖励制度法治化缺失引发的公众冲突案例,在对行政奖励制度的一般原理做出相应界定的基础之上,分析现阶段我国行政奖励制度法治化建设过程中存在的问题及形成原因,由此提出一些创设性的意见,以期推进行政奖励制度的法治化进程,对行政奖励制度的完善有所裨益。第一部分,行政奖励制度的一般原理。本章首先分析我国行政奖励制度演变特点,并对行政奖励制度的概念做出重新界定,研究行政奖励制度的法律关系、行为程序后得出行政奖励制度建立的必要性这一结论,使我们对行政奖励的发展内涵与外延同时把握。第二部分,目前我国行政奖励制度存在的主要问题及成因。本章主要分析行政奖励制度法治化的缺陷,包括立法、程序、管理系统等方面;同时,针对如上问题分析形成原因,为具体问题具体分析,提出改进措施作以铺垫。第三部分,行政奖励制度法治化建设的完善。本部分提出了具体的法律调控与救济途径,从根源抓起,系统化建设,事前、事中、事后多维度改善。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the market economy and the subtle changes in the functions of the government in modern countries, the administrative means and control methods of the new government are increasingly showing the characteristics of democratization, openness, science and technology, pluralism, and the compulsion of administrative punishment, etc. The authority color of sanction is gradually desalinated, and the non-compulsory administrative behavior is widely used in the field of modern administration in which the public participate. Among them, the administrative reward, as an active administrative measure taken by the government to improve the administrative efficiency and encourage the benign action of the administrative counterpart, meets the needs of the simultaneous development of the market economy and democratic politics and embodies the guidance and equality. The humanistic spirit of modern administrative law and the concept of the rule of law, which are cooperative, friendly, soft and win-win, have more flexibility and superiority than other non-compulsory administrative acts, and play an important role in the administration. To some extent, it represents the development direction of modern administrative legal system. Administrative reward is one of the means for the administrative subject to maximize the mobilization of the administrative counterpart to achieve the administrative management goal, highlighting initiative and creativity. Although China's administrative reward system has been relatively mature and widely used in practice, for a long time, the traditional theory of law despises its social utility and has not received due attention in legislation, law enforcement and legal research. The serious lack of legislative regulation and the existence of objective factors such as the abuse of discretion by administrative subjects to measure the interests of various parties have led to the emergence of disputes over administrative rewards, the emergence of negative effects, the institutionalization of administrative awards, and the rule of law as castles in the air. be flashy without substance It is imperative to put administrative reward on the track of rule by law and institutionalize it with administrative law. By combing the evolution process of administrative reward system since the founding of the people's Republic of China and combining with the cases of public conflict caused by the lack of legalization of administrative reward system in recent years, this paper defines the general principle of administrative reward system on the basis of corresponding definition. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of the legal construction of the administrative reward system in our country at present and the reasons for its formation, and puts forward some constructive opinions in order to promote the process of the rule of law of the administrative reward system, which is beneficial to the perfection of the administrative reward system. The first part, the general principle of administrative reward system. This chapter first analyzes the characteristics of the evolution of the administrative reward system in China, and redefines the concept of the administrative reward system, studies the legal relationship of the administrative reward system, and draws the conclusion that it is necessary to establish the administrative reward system after the behavior procedure. Make us to administrative reward development connotation and extension at the same time grasp. The second part, the main problems and causes of the present administrative reward system in our country. This chapter mainly analyzes the defects of the administrative reward system, including legislation, procedure, management system, etc. At the same time, aiming at the causes of the above problems, it puts forward the improvement measures to lay the groundwork for the concrete analysis of the specific problems. The third part, the consummation of the rule of law construction of the administrative reward system. This part puts forward the specific ways of legal regulation and relief, from the root, systematic construction, in advance, in the event, after the multi-dimensional improvement.
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