[Abstract]:Under the background of ruling the country by law, strengthening the education of socialist rule of law in public security colleges and universities is the starting point and starting point of deepening the public security reform in an all-round way and building the public security under the rule of law. The education of socialist rule of law in public security colleges shows its unique value and particularity, but there are also various problems. Aiming at these problems, this paper scientifically locates the ultimate goal of the education of the concept of rule of law, and combines the theory of social learning with the theory of constructivism epistemology, and explores the "one center and three basis points" education path of the concept of socialist rule of law in public security colleges and universities. That is to say, taking students as the center, teaching, management and campus culture construction as the basic point, the students' legal quality and political accomplishment of public security colleges and universities should be cultivated so as to enhance the comprehensive law enforcement ability.
【作者单位】: 中国人民公安大学学生工作处;
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