[Abstract]:Ferrite is a widely used non-metallic magnetic material. Among them, NiZn ferrite with spinel structure plays an important role in the field of magnetoelectronics high frequency application as a kind of multicomponent composite metal oxide. The preparation methods of ferrite powders have been studied and discussed. With the development of electronic devices in the direction of miniaturization and lightweight, the electromagnetic properties of the materials are required to be higher. The traditional production process can no longer fully meet the requirements of the current development. In this paper, nano-technology was introduced into the preparation process of Ni-Zn ferrite. In order to study the structure and magnetic properties of Ni-Zn ferrite nanoparticles, the sol-gel spontaneous combustion method was used to use metal nitrate as raw material. The Ni _ (1-x) Zn-xFe _ 2O _ 4 nanoparticles were prepared with citric acid as the complex agent, and a series of samples were obtained. The morphology, lattice structure and magnetic properties of the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The Ni _ (1-x) ZnxFe _ 2O _ 4 nanoparticles with single spinel phase can be obtained by the sol-gel spontaneous combustion method without heat treatment at high temperature. The magnetic properties of the samples are measured when the size of x _ (0.5) is 10-20 nm VSM. With the increase of Ni content, the saturation magnetization M _ s of the samples increased first and then decreased, and reached a maximum value of 39.378 A m ~ 2 / KG at x ~ (0.5). The effect of pH value on the phase of the product Ni0.5 Zn0.5 Fe20S4 was studied. The thermal decomposition behavior of the xerogel was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The phase and microstructure of the product were studied by XRDX TEM. The results show that the grain size and dispersity of the product vary obviously with the change of pH value. In this paper, the nano-Ni0.5 Zn0.5 Fe20S4 powder with good dispersion effect was prepared by adding RDX into the sol-gel by the method of nano-explosion synthesis, and the mixed system was prepared by thermal explosion. The product was characterized by TEM XRD, and it was found that the nano-Ni0.5 Zn0.5 Fe204 produced by this method was better than the ordinary method in particle size, dispersion effect and ferrite phase transition. In addition, the additive RDX produces high energy shock wave to loose the nano-powder and prevent the nano-powder from agglomeration. Using this technique, nano-scale agglomerated Ni _ (0.5) Zn _ (0.5) Fe _ 2O _ 4 powders with uniform morphology and average size of 10nm can be produced.
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