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发布时间:2018-07-25 16:37
【摘要】: 马克思的民主思想是马克思政治学说的重要组成部分,也是马克思主义不可分割的内容。马克思前的民主思想大多是建立在抽象的人性论的基础上或站在剥削阶级的立场来论述的,而马克思实践的民主思想的确立实现了民主思想由抽象到到现实的飞跃。这是因为马克思通过转变思维方式,从实践角度去理解民主政治的相关问题,即把民主理解为受实践规定,在人的实践中生成、发展的民主,从而使民主成为对人来说的,真正现实的民主。马克思实践的民主思想有着丰富的内涵,在构建和谐社会的今天,对于我们建设中国特色的民主政治有着非常重要的意义。本论文分为四部分: 第一部分,考察了马克思前的西方民主思想。主要把它分为古代的西方民主思想和近代的西方民主思想。在概括它们主要内容的同时,从哲学角度指出它们的局限性。 第二部分,考察了马克思实践的民主思想的确立和基本特征。首先指出,马克思的哲学思维方式在历经黑格尔的思辨思维方式和费尔巴哈的人本思维方式之后,最终确立实践思维方式,从而在民主思想方面转变为实践的民主思想。其次指出,马克思实践的民主思想的四大特征及其相互关系。 第三部分,论述了马克思实践的民主思想的基本内容。首先指出马克思关于民主的实践本性,这主要从民主以及个体和社会的民主化的实践生成来说的.强调民主是一个不断发展的过程。其次指出,马克思实践的民主思想是关于人民、人类的民主主体化的思想,强调民主的最终意义是“人类解放”和“人的自由而全面的发展”。 第四部分,阐述了马克思实践的民主的当代意义。指出其理论意义在于可以帮助我们克服对民主认识上的僵化,推动马克思主义民主观的完善。实践意义上在于为我们构建中国特色的公民社会提供指导。
[Abstract]:Marx's democratic thought is an important part of Marxist political theory and an inseparable content of Marxism. The former democratic thought of Marx was mostly discussed on the basis of abstract theory of human nature or from the standpoint of exploiting class, and the establishment of Marx's practical democratic thought realized the leap from abstractness to reality. This is because Marx understood the relevant issues of democratic politics from a practical point of view by changing his mode of thinking, that is, to understand democracy as a democracy that is regulated by practice, generated and developed in human practice, so that democracy becomes human. Real democracy. Marx's practice of democracy has rich connotations, in the construction of a harmonious society today, for our construction of democratic politics with Chinese characteristics has a very important significance. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part examines Marx's western democratic thought before. It is mainly divided into ancient western democratic thought and modern western democratic thought. While summarizing their main contents, this paper points out their limitations from a philosophical point of view. The second part examines the establishment and basic characteristics of Marx's practical democratic thought. First of all, it is pointed out that after experiencing Hegel's speculative thinking mode and Feuerbach's humanistic thinking mode, Marx's philosophical thinking mode finally establishes the practical thinking mode, thus transforming the democratic thought into the practical democratic thought. Secondly, it points out the four characteristics of Marx's democratic thought and their relationship. The third part discusses the basic content of Marx's practical democratic thought. Firstly, the author points out Marx's practical nature of democracy, which mainly comes from the practice of democracy and the democratization of individual and society. Emphasis is placed on democracy as an evolving process. Secondly, the author points out that Marx's democratic thought is about the people and the subject of democracy, and emphasizes that the ultimate significance of democracy is "human liberation" and "human's free and all-round development". The fourth part expounds the contemporary significance of Marx's practice of democracy. The theoretical significance of the theory is that it can help us overcome the ossification of democratic understanding and promote the perfection of Marxist democratic view. The practical significance is to provide guidance for us to build a civil society with Chinese characteristics.


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