[Abstract]:From the early "Sun Zhigang" incident, the "Niu Niu" incident to the recent "Zhou Tiger" incident, the "hide and seek" incident, and the "Director Zhou" incident, in recent years, various types of network mass incidents have emerged in endlessly. This shows that the development of network public opinion supervision has become unstoppable, and network public opinion supervision has gradually become an important force that cannot be ignored in our public opinion supervision system. Network public opinion supervision also has the advantages of rapid and convenient, extensive content, and freedom of public opinion. Anonymity, extensive participation and strong interaction make it an effective form of citizen participation in social management and supervision of state power. At the same time, network public opinion supervision plays an important role in the development of democracy, the construction of civil society and the promotion of social progress. What can not be ignored is that it also faces many problems in the process of development, such as the false supervision of network public opinion, the suspected infringement of network public opinion supervision, the use of network public opinion supervision to seek improper interests by some network media, and the interference of network public opinion in the administration of justice. The influence of judicial independence, the irrational participation of network public opinion supervision participants leads to the decline of government credibility, the prevalence of moral relativism and anarchism, and so on. These problems are seriously perplexing the healthy development of network public opinion supervision. At the same time, the network mass events brought by network public opinion supervision also bring us hidden worries about social public safety and order. How to protect citizens' own rights and conform to social norms has become a problem that society must face. How to make the supervision of network public opinion develop healthily towards the direction of standardization, honesty and rationalization is a matter of great concern to many relevant practitioners, experts and scholars, as well as government departments in charge. We must have a comprehensive and correct understanding of network public opinion supervision, and make it standard and perfect constantly. From the perspective of the development of democratic politics in our country and the network public opinion environment of our country, this paper firstly summarizes the connotation and development status of the network public opinion supervision in the first and second chapters. This paper summarizes the advantages of network public opinion supervision and its positive significance to the construction of democratic politics in our country. Then in the third chapter, the author points out the existing problems and hidden worries of China's network public opinion supervision, and analyzes the reasons that lead to the obstacles to the development of China's network public opinion supervision. Finally, in the fourth chapter, from the network media and the media person, the netizen, the government three aspects, proposed the consummation our country network public opinion supervision countermeasure and the suggestion, hoped can have the benefit to our country network public opinion supervision healthy development.
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