[Abstract]:The frequent disputes about patriotic behavior and non-patriotism highlight the deficiency of the single "model driving behavior guide mode" in patriotism education. The logic of patriotism, characterized by excellence, timing, event and mirroring, leads to the immobilization of its content and the formalization of its practice. In a country ruled by law, the construction of patriotic acts should also follow the principle of reasonable and lawful acts made by individuals in their own life and work, in order to realize a kind of common, daily and daily life. Individualized "life dynamic behavior guidance mode". Only by constructing two models at the same time to form the internal driving force of civic responsibility and the resultant life meaning of the external gravity of the role of example can people practice their patriotic behavior in a perfect way and gather together the best resultant force of Chinese Dream.
【作者单位】: 广东工程职业技术学院马克思主义学院;
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