[Abstract]:The problems of agriculture, countryside and peasants are the century-old problems that our country has to face. Whether it is the employment of peasants, the growth of income, the social security problem, the circulation of agricultural land, the structural adjustment, the international trade of products, and the construction of rural market economy system, the ecological environment has become the current rapid development of our social economy. At the present stage, the structure of rural strata is undergoing further accelerated changes, the differentiation of rural strata has broken the social state of rural homogenization, and has brought about profound changes in the economic composition, political system, values and lifestyle of rural areas. Governance is both an opportunity and a challenge.
This paper puts the problem of rural grass-roots democratic politics construction into the macro-scene of social transformation and stratum differentiation in contemporary China, aiming at probing into the historical trend of rural grass-roots democratic politics construction in the social stratum differentiation through rational analysis of the great changes in the rural grass-roots democratic politics construction under the condition of Rural Stratum differentiation. The present situation and manifestations provide rational thinking and path choice for further improving the rural grass-roots democratic political system, consolidating and developing the construction of political civilization and building a harmonious socialist society.
Specifically, this paper analyzes the development status of rural class differentiation and the historical evolution of rural grass-roots democratic political construction, based on which to explore the interaction between rural class differentiation and rural grass-roots democratic political construction and the new changes in all aspects of rural grass-roots democratic political construction in the process of social structure adjustment. In the course of the study, this paper discusses the interactional relationship between the two through the case study of the political participation of rural private entrepreneurs, which provides theoretical support, experience and decision-making for the CPC to build a socialist democratic political system and a harmonious socialist society. From the point of view, on the basis of the research achievements in this field, and on the basis of materialist dialectics, the research methods such as consulting literature, on-the-spot investigation, standardization and empirical research are adopted.
This paper holds that the rural social stratum differentiation is a process of self-improvement and self-evolution, and the rural society in the new period has a relatively stable structure and change mode of stratum, and the process of stratum differentiation presents the characteristics of pluralism, multi-level, complexity and imbalance; the rural grass-roots democratic political construction is the Chinese revolution, construction and reform. The important experience of the success of the reform cause is also an important guarantee for the construction of a harmonious socialist society, which is both a theoretical issue and a practical issue. Assumption is a historical category and a dynamic process of development, with the acceleration of social transformation and social restructuring, there will inevitably be corresponding internal and external changes, especially the multiple impact of rural private entrepreneurs on rural grassroots democratic politics; in the historical process of social stratum differentiation in contemporary China, rural grassroots democratic politics The mode of construction has changed correspondingly, the forms of democratic political organizations at the grass-roots level and the core issues have shown a significant trend of change with their essence. The contradiction of interests has increasingly become a bottleneck in checking and balancing the democratic political construction at the grass-roots level in rural areas. In the process of practicing the scientific outlook on development and building a well-off society in an all-round way, the rural areas under the new situation will be consolidated and The construction of democratic politics at the grass-roots level is placed in an important strategic position, and all effective measures should be taken to coordinate the development of urban and rural economy and integrate the relations among different classes in the countryside. It is the essential requirement and key link for the construction of democratic politics at the grass-roots level in the countryside, consolidating the class foundation and expanding the mass foundation, and building a harmonious socialist society.
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