[Abstract]:This paper takes Taiwan's democratic politics as the research object, and analyzes why the smooth democratic transition in Taiwan can not bring about effective democratic operation. To answer this question, this paper analyzes the changes of Taiwan's social structure after 1949, and the impact of this structural change on the democratic transition process and democratic operation in the post-transition period.
After Taiwan's restoration in 1945, it entered the general logic of China's "national construction". In this historical process, Taiwan experienced the three important historical events of "228", land reform and local autonomy at the beginning of the restoration. The gentry class was completely disintegrated. In local self-government, some people who were keen on local elections mobilized votes by relying on traditional social networks. The Kuomintang adopted a strategy of both drawing and restricting local elites, thus forming local factions. Meanwhile, in the process of Taiwan's economic development, private capital grew stronger and developed gradually. As the Kuomintang's efforts to take root downward have never been able to achieve its success, local factions and financial groups have become a new intermediate structure of Taiwan society. Their strength has been growing and increasingly integrated. This paper calls them the "intermediate power network".
Intermediate power network is the third power structure outside the Kuomintang regime and civil society, and its interaction with the Kuomintang regime and civil society is mainly two. The first one is broker. Intermediate power network is on the one hand the Kuomintang regime mobilizes the brokers of civil society, on the other hand the civil society protects itself. As a broker of personal interests, it acts as a "double broker" between the Kuomintang regime and civil society, and seeks to maximize its own interests from the "double broker." The second is the "informal political" mechanism, i.e. the "relationship" mechanism, and the intermediate power network, whether it is an interaction with the Kuomintang regime or with the "civil society." The interaction of society is not institutionalized, but operates according to the non-institutionalized direct interpersonal interaction model.
In the 1980s, Taiwan's domestic and foreign political and economic situation changed dramatically, forcing the "party-state system" to return to constitutional democracy. In fact, Taiwan's democratic transformation has to accomplish two arduous tasks, namely, the transformation of the party-state system into a democratic system, and the transformation of the Kuomintang, a revolutionary political party reorganized according to Leninism, to the people. Taiwan has successfully accomplished these two tasks and achieved a "soft landing" in the political transformation. On the one hand, the intermediate power network, with its "brokerage" mechanism and "relationship" mechanism, effectively suppresses and dissolves the peasant movement and the workers'movement, so as to make China a center. The middle class in Taiwan advocated reform and opposed revolution, which left time and space for the KMT to control the Democratic transition. On the other hand, the middle power network helped the KMT to continue to win local and "central" levels. The KMT's election reduced the resistance to the separation of the KMT from the public power and realized the movement from "public power" to "society", thus facilitating the smooth and democratic transition of Taiwan. Meanwhile, in the process of the movement, the KMT gradually changed from a revolutionary party to a popular election party.
However, the power network of China Interrogation continues to expand in the process of Taiwan's democratic transition, and has a series of negative effects on the Democratic operation in the post-transition period. First, the power network of China Interrogation is mainly mobilized through the "brokerage" mechanism and the "relationship" mechanism for elections. In order to mobilize votes to the greatest extent, the power network of China Interrogation will be mobilized through money or even the black and evil forces. Secondly, because of its "brokerage" status, the intermediate power network will inevitably sacrifice the interests of public power to seek its own interests, but its interaction with public power is not institutional, but through "private transactions", thus forming collusion and cooperation between government and business. Third, there are two competing social mobilization modes in Taiwan society: class mobilization and ethnic mobilization. In order to alleviate class mobilization and civil society's dissatisfaction with gold power politics, the intermediate power network directly promotes "ethnic mobilization" and makes Taiwan's democracy appear as provincial nationality to a certain extent. Fourthly, through the role of the intermediate power network, Taiwan's gold power politics and populism are combined. On the one hand, it resorts to Provincial-Ethnic populism mobilization, on the other hand, it is gold power politics, thus Taiwan's ability to govern public power has declined dramatically. The current democratic dilemma, rather than the phenomenon of immature democracy, is rather the inevitable outcome of the middle power network.
In order to get out of the dilemma of democracy and realize the deepening of democracy in Taiwan, we must strengthen the construction of public power and civil society. For the former, the intermediate power network, on the one hand, makes the development of public power "involution" through the "brokerage" mechanism, on the other hand, erodes the institutionalization of democratic politics through the "relationship" mechanism. On the one hand, the network of intermediate power constantly strengthens its "feelings" and "relations" with civil society, on the other hand, erodes the development of civil society towards "rationalization" organizations. In both respects, the intermediate power network will inhibit the deepening of democracy in Taiwan. Moreover, the frequent elections in Taiwan have forced the political parties to mobilize at the grass-roots level, but the grass-roots organizations of both the Kuomintang and the DPP are very weak, which makes it necessary for the political parties to continue. In this sense, Taiwan's democratic dilemma may be long-term and a low-quality democratic system may be formed.
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