[Abstract]:Starting in 2014, December 4 was designated National Constitution Day. "the Power of the spiritual Rule of Law in the Constitution" CCTV 2015 Rule of Law Awards. (hereinafter referred to as "the Award ceremony"), Zhang Hui, deputy commander of the economic crime investigation detachment of Jinhua Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province; Li Zhukui, chairman of the people's Congress of Anguo Town, Kongtong District, Pingliang City, Gansu Province; and Zhang Shifeng, Director of the Chinese Child Welfare and Adoption Center, Liu Li, acting President of the Olympic Village Court of the Chaoyang District people's Court in Beijing, Tang Ji, Senior reporter of the editorial Committee of the Xinhua News Agency of Inner Mongolia Branch, Peng Shaoyong, Deputy Procuratorate of the people's Procuratorate of Baoding City, Hebei Province, legal Aid
【作者单位】: 中央电视台;
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