[Abstract]:Administrative power is the key content of political science theory. In order to ensure social harmony, maintain the stability of the national political situation and the rapid development of our economy, we need the rule of law in the operation of administrative power. The rule of law in the operation of administrative power is an important guarantee for the establishment of a country ruled by law with Chinese characteristics and the realization of governing the country by law. On the basis of the connotation of the related theory of the rule of law in the operation of administrative power, this paper combines fuzzy mathematics with the rule of law of the operation of administrative power organically, and establishes the comprehensive evaluation index model of the rule of law of the operation of administrative power. At the same time, this paper analyzes the current situation of the rule of law in the operation of administrative power in China, and discusses and studies the existing problems and reasons, from the aspects of democratic election, perfection of legal system, division of labor according to law, power responsibility system and supervision mechanism. This paper optimizes the mechanism and puts forward some feasible suggestions on the realization mechanism of the rule of law in the operation of administrative power. The author divides this paper into three chapters: introduction. The first part is the introduction. This part includes the purpose of the research and the theoretical and practical significance of the study, but also includes the research review and specific ideas, methods, research innovations and deficiencies. Next is the first chapter. This chapter mainly includes the theoretical connotation, evaluation system and practical significance of the rule of law in the operation of administrative power. Again, the second chapter. This chapter deals with the historical process and current situation of the rule of law in the operation of administrative power, which mainly introduces the basic principles of the allocation and operation of administrative power in China. The historical process and achievements of promoting the rule of law in the operation of power in our country and the problems and reasons existing in the rule of law in the operation of administrative power in China. Finally, the third chapter. The mechanism is optimized to realize the rule of law in the operation of administrative power. This paper mainly discusses the realization mechanism of the rule of law in the operation of administrative power from four aspects: democratic election, perfect legal system, division of labor according to law, power responsibility system and supervision mechanism. The last chapter is the core content of this paper. At the same time, the last chapter is based on the analysis and research of the rule of law in the operation of administrative power under the premise of the previous discussion, and puts forward the realization mechanism in line with the current situation of our country.
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