[Abstract]:In the process of producing high impact polypropylene (hi PP) by in-reactor alloying technology, it is widely used in industry to add low-purity nitrogen (LPN) to prevent the formation of ethylene-propylene rubber on the surface of polypropylene particles, which limits the increase of ethylene content. The impact resistance is restricted to some extent. A method of adding a very small amount of (0.1%) ultrafine powder into the gas kettle of copolymerization was put forward, which was partially loaded on the surface of polypropylene particles, thus acting as a substitute for low purity nitrogen. It can further prevent interparticle agglutination by physical barrier, and successfully apply it to Hypol process to produce hi PP. with high ethylene content (20%) and good fluidity. At the same time, compared with the traditional low-purity nitrogen system, the impact resistance of the product was changed from 36.44kJ mm2 to 36.44kJ? 2 rising to 60.56kJ? 2, low temperature impact resistance from 14.78kJ? M? 2 rising to 35.12kJ? 2, showing its excellent impact resistance at room temperature and low temperature.
【作者单位】: 中国石化扬子石油化工有限公司南京研究院;浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院化学工程联合国家重点实验室;
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