[Abstract]:The right of refusal to testify by relatives, as a right granted to witnesses by modern rule of law, is an exception to the obligation of witnesses to testify, which is clearly stipulated in many countries in the world. Although there is no direct stipulation of the right of relatives to refuse the certificate in our country's history, the concept of refusing the certificate by relatives is reflected to a certain extent in the feudal patriarchal system. This important witness right is absent in our country's current criminal legislation, which is mainly due to the fact that since the founding of the people's Republic of China, we have always regarded the right of refusal to testify by relatives as a feudal dregs, and to some extent deviated from the principle of seeking truth from facts of Marxism. Through the understanding of the concept of relatives' right to refuse to testify, this paper analyzes the conflict between the current legislation and the right of relatives' refusal to testify, and criticizes the current legislation from the contradiction between country and family, law and morality embodied in the crime of kinship's proof. On the basis of deeply analyzing the ethical value, the value of law and economics, the value of sociology of law, the value of human rights protection and the value of psychology, the right of relatives to refuse proof is deeply analyzed. This paper intends to explore the reasonable factors for the establishment of the right of relatives to refuse certificates in China, hoping to cultivate the right of refusal of relatives of our country in the soil of traditional culture on the basis of the experience of western countries and the practice of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in our country. And put forward the concrete system construction.
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