[Abstract]:Citizen participation in government decision-making refers to the participation of individuals or groups with citizenship in the process of making and implementing government decisions through statutory ways and means for the consideration of their own or public interests. Acts and activities that directly or indirectly affect government decisions. Citizen participation in government decision-making is an important way to make government decision scientific and democratic. With the development of reform and opening up and the gradual maturity of market economy, the democratic administrative governance model, which sprang up in western countries, has gradually entered the vision of our government and the broad masses of citizens. The core of democratic administration is to change the citizen from a single governor to an active participant through the process of citizen participation in government decision-making, and to consult with government administrators and solve the difficult problems in public decision-making. To maximize the public interest of citizens. Thus, citizen's policy participation is the logical starting point and core content of democratic administration. The development of democratic administration has created active citizens and organizations. From the perspective of democratic administration, this paper analyzes the present situation, predicament, restrictive factors and reasons of citizens' participation in government decision-making in China. Three levels of government and civil society to improve the quality of citizen participation in government decision-making. The problems that must be solved in order to improve the quality of citizen participation in China from the three levels of citizen, government and civil society are expounded in detail. Citizen participation in the decision-making process of government is the requirement of the development of contemporary democratic politics, and it is also a concrete form of democratic administration. This requires us to foster active citizens, but also to accelerate the formation of developed civil society and mature modern government. Therefore, the research of citizen participation in government decision-making from the perspective of democratic administration should be the direction of government, citizen and society.
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