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发布时间:2018-11-11 18:19
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, great progress has been made in the legal construction of our country. With the establishment of the strategy of governing the country according to law in the third Plenary session of the Eleventh Central Committee, some achievements have been made in the construction of the legal system in autonomous regions after 30 years of reform and opening up. Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (hereinafter referred to as Gannan Prefecture) is one of the ten Tibetan autonomous prefectures in China. State organs of Self-Government; The people's congresses and people's governments at all levels in the prefectures have embarked on the process of exercising state power in accordance with the law, in particular the exercise of the national autonomy power conferred by the Constitution and the Law on Regional National Autonomy, Autonomous management of their own local internal affairs has made a number of national laws, regulations and policies, established a system of regional ethnic autonomy, and systematically guaranteed the regional autonomy of the Tibetan nationalities in the prefectures and the equality of all ethnic groups. The restoration of the state judicial and judicial system, such as the procuratorial and supervisory system, the normal operation and active work of the judicial system have played a positive role in safeguarding the process of legal construction in Gannan state according to law. Gannan greatly promoted the development of politics, economy, culture and education. After 60 years of development, Gannan has also made certain achievements and formulated a series of national laws and regulations that accord with the actual situation in ethnic areas. However, with the deepening of the market economy, The ethnic laws and regulations formulated in the past have obviously not been able to meet the needs of social and economic development in Gannan region. How to speed up the pace of the construction of the national legal system and make it become the economy of Gannan state? The booster of accelerating the development of society and other aspects, establishing the legal basis for the development of Gannan, has become an urgent task affecting the development of various undertakings in the minority areas of Gannan. Generally speaking, the process of legal system construction in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is still lagging behind. This paper briefly reviews the process of legal system construction in Gannan state, and at the same time, probes into the achievements and existing problems to a certain extent, and puts forward some suggestions.


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