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发布时间:2018-11-15 20:41
【摘要】:法制类电视节目作为我国法制建设进程的一个投影,在社会主义法制国家的建设进程中,发挥了巨大的推动作用。我国法制类电视节目的开创、成长、繁荣与我国的法制建设息息相关。从我国法制类电视节目的创办初衷来看,是为了普及法律知识,和国家的法制宣传教育紧紧相连。法制类电视节目在20多年的发展中,从单一普法到贴近服务,从简单宣教到多样呈现,从单个栏目到专业化频道,经历很多变迁,唯一不变的是其在推进法制建设完善、法制意识深入人心的过程中所扮演的重要角色。 我国的社会环境变化和大众传媒的发展需求直接形成了法制类电视节目的成长与发展的动力。法制类电视节目适应社会的多元化需求,作为我国法制建设中的一种重要工具承担着特殊的社会功能。由于相对于其他媒体,电视这一传播媒介,,具有声画并茂、通俗易懂,表现手段丰富、覆盖面广等特点,为广大群众所喜闻乐见,因此电视在宣传和普及法律知识,以及提供法律服务方面更有优势。但是,并非所有的需求都可以通过法制类电视节目实现,而且这些社会需求的协调与平衡也会直接影响到法制类电视节目自身的功能。一些节目受经济利益的驱使,对一些暴力、血腥的案件详加介绍,盲目追求可视性,却缺少了对事实真相的分析和人文主义的关怀,使节目产生了一定程度上的负效应。一些节目不能处理好舆论监督与司法独立的关系,舆论监督被正当行使时,无疑对司法公正有积极的促进作用,而当舆论监督被不当行使时,便会损害司法公正。同时,法制类电视节目在报道的过程中,发生侵害当事人或第三者的隐私权、名誉权等方面的问题。一些地方台节目盲目地模仿、节目题材匮乏、节目类型同质化、盲目追求收视率、定位不准确等问题,也严重影响了法制类电视节目的健康发展。 本文从我国法制类电视类节目所处的社会环境入手,总结了法制类电视节目的发展历程、节目形态的变化和功能的变迁。通过对法制类电视节目现状的分析,从社会转型期的大背景下,研究法制类电视节目面对的新状况,探讨了现阶段法制类电视节目的特点和存在的问题,探究现状形成的原因以及社会环境对节目的影响,最后提出如何在社会转型期间发展法制类电视节目的策略。
[Abstract]:As a projection of the process of legal construction in our country, the TV program of legal system plays an important role in the construction of socialist legal country. The creation, growth and prosperity of China's legal system TV programs are closely related to the construction of our country's legal system. According to the original intention of our country's legal system TV program, it is to popularize the legal knowledge and is closely linked with the country's legal propaganda and education. In the more than 20 years of development of TV programs in the legal system, from single law popularization to close service, from simple propaganda to diverse presentation, from a single column to a specialized channel, there have been many changes. The only thing that has not changed is that it is promoting the improvement of the legal system. The important role played by the legal consciousness in the process of being deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The change of social environment and the development demand of mass media have directly formed the power of the growth and development of legal TV programs. As an important tool in the construction of legal system in our country, TV programs of legal system, which adapt to the diverse needs of the society, have a special social function. As compared to other media, television is characterized by sound and painting, easy to understand, rich means of expression, wide coverage, and so on, which is welcomed by the general public. Therefore, television is promoting and popularizing legal knowledge. And a greater advantage in providing legal services. However, not all the demands can be realized through the legal system TV programs, and the coordination and balance of these social needs will directly affect the function of the legal television programs themselves. Some programs, driven by economic interests, introduce some violent and bloody cases in detail, blindly pursue visibility, but lack the analysis of the truth and the concern of humanism, which makes the program produce a certain degree of negative effect. Some programs can not deal with the relationship between public opinion supervision and judicial independence. When public opinion supervision is properly exercised, it undoubtedly plays a positive role in promoting judicial justice, and when public opinion supervision is improperly exercised, it will damage judicial justice. At the same time, the rights of privacy and reputation of the parties or third parties are infringed during the reporting process of the legal programs. Blind imitation of some local TV programs, lack of program themes, homogeneity of program types, blind pursuit of ratings and inaccurate positioning have also seriously affected the healthy development of legal television programs. This paper begins with the social environment in which the legal television programs are located, and summarizes the development course, the changes of the program forms and the changes of the functions of the legal television programs. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the legal system TV programs, this paper studies the new situation of the legal system TV programs under the background of the social transition period, and probes into the characteristics and existing problems of the legal system TV programs at the present stage. This paper probes into the reasons for the formation of the present situation and the influence of the social environment on the programs, and finally puts forward the strategies of how to develop the legal TV programs during the period of social transformation.


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