[Abstract]:The social intermediary organization is the product of the market economy development to a certain stage, it develops in the social transition period of our country. Since the reform and opening to the outside world, with the deepening of the reform of economic and political system, the functions of government have changed from department management, micro management, direct management to industry management, macro management and indirect management. The position in the market management has also retreated from the former direct management position to the indirect management position. The government regulation is more and more loose, the market is more and more free, each economic main body marketization degree is becoming higher and higher. To maintain the normal and good operation of the market order, it is necessary to have a media organization between the government and the market to coordinate the relationship between the two. Social intermediary organizations play such a role. The first part of the article discusses the basic theory of social intermediary organization, summarizes the characteristics and functions of social intermediary organization, and emphatically analyzes its embodiment in economic law. The function of social intermediary organizations is mainly played in the market economy, so this paper classifies the social intermediary organizations as the subject of economic law, and probes into the limitation of civil subject and administrative subject. The second part mainly expounds the rights and responsibilities of social intermediary organizations, and discusses its rights and obligations from two different identities of social intermediary organizations in economic activities. The power and responsibility of market manager and the rights and obligations of market activists also highlight the characteristics of public-private compatibility of economic law. The third part is the development and enlightenment of the legalization of foreign social intermediary organizations. Some western countries have developed market economy and the development of social intermediary organizations, some of which are worthy of our reference. The fourth part analyzes the main problems of social intermediary organizations in China, and puts forward some perfect countermeasures.
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