[Abstract]:The development of grassroots democracy construction must be promoted step by step and in an orderly manner. Just as Comrade Hu Jintao said: "the reform of the political system must adhere to the correct political direction, must continue to advance along with the economic and social, and strive to keep pace with the increasing enthusiasm of the Chinese people for political participation." To reform the rural governance system, expand the forms of villager autonomy, and promote the level of grass-roots democracy construction, we must take the political civilization construction of the country and the development goal of the grass-roots democratic construction as a guide and follow the development principles of the grass-roots democratic construction. Combined with the new situation and new requirements of the rural grass-roots democratic construction, the problems and challenges in the current democracy construction are deeply analyzed, and its path dependence is scientifically recognized. The correct choice accords with the reality of the rural economic and social development in the new century and the democratic quality of the villagers. The effective development and orderly development of the rural grass-roots democratic construction can not only effectively resolve the contradictions in the grass-roots society, maintain social stability, consolidate the ruling foundation of the Party, and promote the harmonious development of the economy and society. Moreover, it is the essential requirement of socialist society, the important content of socialist modernization construction with Chinese characteristics, and the important embodiment of people as masters of their own country. In order to promote the rural grass-roots democratic construction and promote the development of rural governance, it is necessary to carry out special regional research and sum up the experience of rural governance in different regions according to the reality of rural social development. This study takes Baisha Town of Zhongmou County as the research sample, using citizen participation theory and governance theory to conduct a deep study on how to promote farmers' ability and achieve the benign operation in the process of grass-roots democratic construction in Baisha Town. Baisha Town in Zhongmou County, while creating objective conditions for the realization of villagers' autonomy, at the same time, starts from changing farmers' subjective consciousness, puts forward training for farmers, and promotes farmers' ideological, moral, scientific and cultural qualities in a phased and comprehensive manner. To strengthen farmers' awareness of being masters of their own affairs, to enhance their ability to participate in government affairs, to stimulate the masses' desire to start businesses and to become rich, and to create a new type of peasants who are literate, skilled and able to operate. It has important theoretical and practical significance for promoting effective rural governance and harmonious development of rural society. This paper summarizes and analyzes the experience and enlightenment of improving farmers' ability through training in Baisha Town, and puts forward the development direction, countermeasures and ideas of democracy construction at the grass-roots level in the future.
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