[Abstract]:In the middle and late 1990s, the development of deliberative democracy aroused the introspection of representative democracy and instrumental legitimacy, advocated the return of democratic values such as autonomy, citizen participation, public interest and so on, which coincided with the governance path and system of modern citizen participation. Therefore, taking the consultative democracy as the macroscopic political background, the author excavates the system connotation of the consultative democracy, realizes its contact with the existing system, promotes the system construction of citizen participation, and becomes the feasible way and the inevitable direction of the democratic political development. By using the method of literature research and comparative research, this paper combs the changing path of democratic theory, compares and analyzes the characteristics of citizen participation in three stages of citizen participation in China, and sums up the organization of modern citizen participation subject. The participation mode is institutionalized, the category of participation gradually touches the core of decision-making, and so on, and the case analysis method is used to participate in the civil organizations from the aspects of the subject, object, mode and institutional environment of participation, and the local government participates in the innovation of the system. The practice mechanism of grass-roots self-government participation has been deeply analyzed. The paper holds that the practical mechanism of citizen participation in our country has gradually taken its embryonic form, but in view of the limitations of the consultative democracy itself and the system of citizen participation, the breadth, depth and effect of participation are difficult to maintain and deepen. The author puts forward the idea of constructing the network of citizen participation. It is necessary to embed and supplement the form of dialogue among citizens' participation at all levels so as to give full play to the effectiveness of the existing methods of democratic consultation, democratic discussion, public opinion communication and so on. To expand the scope and depth of citizen participation, we should establish a network of participation subjects, ways of participation, supporting system, space for participation and external environment, which can match and interact with each other in order to expand the scope and depth of citizen participation. Truly realize the benign co-governance of public affairs between citizens and government.
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