[Abstract]:Administrative examination and approval system is an important means and an effective way to control and manage social and economic activities. It plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining social order and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and legal entities. Since the reform and opening up, China has been promoting the reform and improvement of the administrative examination and approval system, but there are still some links that are not compatible with economic development and social progress. The ecological environment of government affairs is the effective carrier of improving the quality of administrative examination and approval, and the high quality of administrative examination and approval promotes the formation of good ecological environment of government affairs, which affects each other. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the ecological environment of government affairs, to establish the corresponding measurement index system, and to find out its influencing factors and optimizing path. Based on the problem-oriented, this paper studies the actual situation and influencing factors of Taizhou government ecological environment from the angle of combination of theory and empirical analysis. In the part of theory derivation, through the literature review of four parts: government service, service environment, government environment evaluation and government affairs environment optimization, the related literatures and theories at home and abroad are summarized and reviewed. On this basis, this paper puts forward the connotation of the government ecological environment and its constituent elements, puts forward the hypothesis of the influencing factors of the government affairs ecological environment, and constructs the actual evaluation system of the government affairs ecological environment, respectively. The influence factors of government affairs ecological environment are measured by the scale of Checklist. In the part of empirical research, through the quantitative analysis of the questionnaire of Taizhou City and its subordinate districts, the measurement index and weight system of the government ecological environment are determined, and the comprehensive evaluation of the government ecological environment of Taizhou City is carried out. Taking the comprehensive evaluation results as dependent variables, this paper further discusses the relationship between the influencing factors and the ecological environment of government affairs, and validates the relevant theoretical assumptions. The results show that among the six indicators of Taizhou's government ecological environment, the scores of rule of law and efficient government affairs are higher, they are generally agreed by the public, and the scores of clean government affairs, sunshine government affairs and democratic government affairs are medium. But the responsibility government affairs score is low, still has the very big promotion space. The regression analysis of the influencing factors shows that the execution mechanism, supervision mechanism, service level, work appearance, openness, legality, economic base and hardware facilities have a positive role in promoting the ecological environment of government affairs. Combined with the actual evaluation results of Taizhou government ecological environment, the verification results of influencing factors and the successful experiences at home and abroad, this study puts forward nine ways to optimize the government ecological environment from the macro-and micro-level. In the part of conclusion and prospect, the main research results and innovation points are summarized, and the shortcomings of this research and the prospect of future research are pointed out.
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