本文关键词:我国农民工劳动权益保护法律问题研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement and industrialization of the socialist market economy system and the acceleration of the urbanization process, cities and factories need a lot of labor, at the same time, the economic awareness of farmers is also increasing. As a result, a large number of peasants have left their homes to work in cities, and the surplus rural labor force has been transferred to the cities. These migrant workers have become a special group of migrant workers in China's economic development, which is an important force to promote the construction of urbanization in China, and has brought vitality to urban economic life. For the development of our national economy has contributed a great deal of strength. Because migrant workers originated from rural areas, the hukou belongs to farmers, many systems under the urban-rural segregation mode led to less social resources they enjoyed. As a direct result of their low level of culture and education, the awareness of self-rights is not strong. The 18 National Congress pointed out that "the overall improvement of the people's living standard" is one of the goals of realizing the well-off society in an all-round way. "the overall improvement of the people's living standard" means the improvement of the living standard of any stratum in our country, and migrant workers are regarded as the social stratum with lower economic status in our country. The standard of living has a direct impact on whether our country can achieve the goal of a well-off society. How to protect the rights and interests of migrant workers has become a direct impact on the overall realization of a well-off society an important link. The employment of migrant workers is discriminated and restricted, and the right to rest and leave is not guaranteed. The situation that labor compensation is infringed and social security participation rate is low reflects the phenomenon that the labor rights and interests of migrant workers are very common at present, and the labor rights and interests of migrant workers are difficult to be protected one of the main reasons. There are problems in the legal system of migrant workers' rights and interests in our country. Firstly, the legislation on the protection of migrant workers' rights and interests is not perfect. As a direct result of migrant workers find it difficult to find laws and regulations for their groups as the basis for the protection of labor rights and interests. Secondly, the protection of migrant workers' labor rights and interests of law enforcement is inadequate. Finally, migrant workers' labor rights and interests relief way is difficult to achieve, promote migrant workers to protect their labor rights and interests through judicial channels after the realization, in addition. As the representative of workers' interests, trade unions have not played their due role in safeguarding the labor rights and interests of migrant workers. Because of their low level of education, migrant workers lack the necessary awareness of protecting their rights. In order to protect the labor rights and interests of migrant workers, we must start from the legislative, judicial and relief ways. In order to effectively solve the problem of the protection of migrant workers' labor rights and interests, we should perfect and amend the existing laws and regulations concerning the protection of migrant workers' labor rights and interests in legislation. To formulate a special law on the protection of migrant workers' labor rights and interests in legislation to protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers. In law enforcement, the administrative organs to change the traditional passive and passive mode of inaction. In the way of judicial remedy, we should improve the litigant system, labor dispute resolution mechanism, strengthen the intensity of legal aid to ensure the labor rights and interests of migrant workers. Should give play to the largest role of trade unions in safeguarding the labor rights and interests of migrant workers.
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