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发布时间:2018-02-24 07:30

  本文关键词: 农村土地流转 马克思主义公平观 分配公平 出处:《西安科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of new urbanization and new rural construction, the small scale and scattered land management mode can not meet the needs of economic development. Agricultural scale production has become the inevitable trend of agricultural development. The breakthrough of small-scale decentralized management has become an inevitable stage of agricultural development in China, and the rural land circulation has gradually developed to meet the needs of economic and social development. The central government has always attached great importance to the transfer of rural land contractual management rights. Improving and perfecting the relevant policies to improve the efficiency of circulation, but the problem of equity in land circulation is particularly prominent, which has become one of the most important factors that affect the willingness of farmers to transfer and restrict the efficiency of circulation. Land circulation has been carried out in all provinces and cities. Under the premise of paying attention to efficiency, the issue of fairness of farmers is the core of land circulation. The issue of fairness is an eternal topic of human concern. It reveals the basic connotation of Marxist view of fairness. The theoretical basis for analyzing and solving the problem is obtained, and the criteria for judging the farmer's equity in the land circulation are defined from two aspects: the legal rights and interests distribution of the outflow farmers in the land transfer contract. Combined with the results of a questionnaire survey on 454 farmers in 10 villages and villages in 5 towns in Heyang County, Shaanxi Province. It is found that with the further development of the rural land circulation, the deep level of equity problem is becoming more and more prominent, which mainly shows that the circulation procedure is not standardized, the land rent assessment is unreasonable, and the land use is changed. The redemption mechanism and the risk mechanism are not perfect, and the farmers' legitimate rights and interests are damaged and the distribution is unfair caused by the farmers' own reasons. The main reasons are the imperfect market mechanism of the rural land circulation, the imperfect system policy, etc. The weak social security system and the farmers' own ideology, etc., to realize the fair and orderly circulation of rural land, must have the economic fair theory as the guiding ideology, and the Marxist fair theory as the guide. Balancing the interests of all parties involved in land circulation and actively exploring ways to achieve: first, improve the land transfer market, strengthen supervision and management; second, improve laws and regulations, In particular, it is necessary to discuss the valuation mechanism and land redemption mechanism of land circulation in order to ensure the fairness of the system, third, to establish and improve the rural social security system, so as to gradually weaken the security function of land for farmers; Fourth, improve the level of rural education, cultivate the value orientation of justice, so as to ensure the unity of equity and efficiency of land circulation.


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