本文选题:主体功能区 切入点:民生质量 出处:《干旱区地理》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The orientation of the main function area determines the direction and emphasis of the development of the region, and the public service equalization is gradually realized in each type of area. The development of people's livelihood quality shows certain regional differences. Based on the planning of Xinjiang main function area and the actual situation of people's livelihood development, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of people's livelihood quality. In 2005 and 2014, the livelihood quality of each main functional area was calculated by entropy method, and the influence factors of people's livelihood difference in each type of area were analyzed in combination with the contribution rate of difference. The results show that there are significant differences in people's livelihood quality among different types of areas. Key development zones are the best, and the key ecological functional areas are the lowest; in particular, income and consumption, cultural and educational levels and ecological and environmental disparities are widening day by day. In terms of culture and education, there is a common downward trend in culture and education.) the effects of various factors on the quality of people's livelihood in the type of areas are different, income, consumption, transportation facilities, information, Health care and ecological balance are the main factors to widen the gap between people's livelihood. (4) the level of income and consumption and the level of transportation facilities have the most prominent impact on the quality gap of people's livelihood in the type of areas. The level of ecological balance and the level of information gradually strengthen the extent of widening the gap, the social security level and the level of education have the strongest effect on narrowing the gap. Based on the above analysis, to narrow the gap between the people's livelihood in the main functional areas of Xinjiang, To ensure the equalization of basic public services, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所;中国科学院大学;乌鲁木齐市第二十三中学;
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