本文选题:农业转移人口 切入点:市民化 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The right to use the homestead is an important right enjoyed by the peasants, especially for a long period of time to provide important protection for the peasants' right of residence. During the period when the rural social security system was not perfect, they also undertook to provide for the aged and medical care.Employment and other parts of the protection function.At present, the new urbanization stage has changed the development mode of paying attention to the urbanization of land, paid more attention to the coordinated development of the urbanization of people and the urbanization of land, and further deepened the process of the urbanization of agricultural transfer population.Farmers' demand for land property rights is deepening day by day, and there is also strong demand for withdrawing the right to use the homestead to obtain the corresponding urban capital.However, the current system of homestead use right in our country requires farmers to withdraw from the right to use the homestead without compensation in principle, which is obviously not suitable for the current economic and social development needs, and also lacks the exit path of homestead use right.Based on the analysis of the evolution of the rural homestead system, the present situation and limitations of the Homestead system in China, this paper concludes that there is a lack of planning in the implementation of the current Homestead system in China, and a breakthrough has been made in the existing Homestead system.At the same time, there are a series of new changes, such as the enhancement of production factors, the prominent function of economic property, the broader function of social security and the clearer function of social stability.In combination with the analysis and comparison of the pilot practices in three typical pilot areas in China, it is concluded that in the design of exit path, the ownership of homestead rights should be clearly defined, the rights and interests of farmers should be protected, and differentiated and paid withdrawal should be carried out by means of marketization.Then according to the field research data, through constructing two Logistic regression model, the paper analyzes the factors that affect the farmers' withdrawal from the right to use the homestead, and obtains the household population, whether there are idle homestead or not, whether the family members live in the town for a long time.The age of farmers, the number of male families, the main sources of family income, who owns the homestead, and the expectation of that form of withdrawal are negatively correlated.On this basis, from the exit of the main body, exit types, exit compensation, exit security, the right to use homestead exit path for different construction, in order to make the choice of homestead use right path more reasonable.Finally, for the difficulties in the process of withdrawal, it is suggested to do a good job of deepening the reform of the homestead system, to carry out the planned withdrawal of the right to use the homestead, and to improve the ability of sustainable development of the withdrawing farmers.Attention should be paid to the differentiation of withdrawing farmers and the transformation of peasants' spiritual culture, and suggestions should be made to perfect the social security system, and to provide policy reference for the withdrawal of the right to use homestead in the process of agricultural transfer of population to the city.
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