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发布时间:2018-05-12 20:22

  本文选题:经济新常态 + 大众创业 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the gradual decline of traditional comparative advantage , the lack of stable foundation of economic operation , and the lack of endogenous power of economy , it is imperative to start the endogenous original power of economic growth and develop new engine _ innovation entrepreneurship .
Second , fiscal policy is an effective way to get the financing for the development of entrepreneurial activities ;
Thirdly , fiscal policy can optimize the resource allocation of entrepreneurial activities ;
Fourth , fiscal policy can promote the sustainable development of entrepreneurship . As a result , fiscal policy is an important economic policy for the government to support and guide the development of public entrepreneurship . Since the reform and opening - up , China has been a hot soil for investment and entrepreneurship . It has undergone three times of entrepreneurship hot tide . It has already passed the fourth pioneering upsurge . In 2015 , the Chinese government has made an important strategic layout . At present , China ' s entrepreneurial activity has become a dynamic scene : first , the degree of entrepreneurial activity is becoming more active ;
Secondly , the entrepreneurial activity is basically completed , and the opportunity - based entrepreneurship plays a leading role : third , the process of improving the entrepreneurial environment is slow and the chances of entrepreneurship are increasing ;
Fourthly , the innovation component of entrepreneurship still needs to be improved ;
Fifth , the entrepreneurial activity presents regional difference characteristics . The fiscal policy plays a role in the multiplier effect of fiscal expenditure and the tax effect of fiscal revenue . Although the Chinese government has made great efforts in pushing forward the " double - wound " , the Chinese government has adopted measures including simple decentralization , full implementation of battalion reform , tax incentives and increased investment , but there are still shortcomings in supporting the financial policy of entrepreneurship : first , China ' s opportunity - based entrepreneurship policy is insufficient ;
Secondly , the strength of entrepreneurship support policy is not deep enough ; thirdly , China ' s venture capital fund needs to be improved ;
Fourth , the policy of entrepreneurs is insufficient in terms of security . Fifth , China ' s fiscal policy lacks stability . In developed countries , the research on entrepreneurship is relatively early , and a more complete independent discipline system has been formed , and the experience in the financial policy of entrepreneurship is worthy of reference . Using MOS analysis model , we can analyze the financial policy of the developed countries from three aspects : entrepreneurial motivation , entrepreneurial opportunity and entrepreneurial skills , which can be summarized as follows : First , implement legal safeguards ;
secondly , the pertinence of the policy is strong ;
Third , the integration of other policies is in use ;
Fourthly , the government ' s service consciousness is strong ;
On the basis of the experience of developing countries ' financial policy , the financial policy of Chinese enterprises should be shifted from the input end to the demand end .
( 2 ) Establish and improve the social security system ;
( 3 ) To further eliminate the institutional differences . Third , in the light of the implementation of fiscal policy : ( 1 ) Multi - policy joint , exerting the combining ability of policy ;
( 2 ) The implementation of fiscal policy should be targeted ;
( 3 ) Improve the fund for venture capital ;
( 4 ) Improve the evaluation mechanism of policy implementation ;
( 5 ) The stability and popularization of the implementation policy .



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