[Abstract]:It is the basic and legal duty of trade union organizations to help workers with difficulties. Guizhou Province, as an underdeveloped western province, has a large proportion in state-owned enterprises, a heavy task of reform and restructuring, and a poor environment for self-employment. Under the background of high pressure of employment and re-employment, the difficult worker groups in Guizhou Province have the characteristics of large number, deep degree and complicated causes. Over the years, Guizhou trade union organizations have actively carried out various work measures to help workers with difficulties. On the other hand, there are some deficiencies and weaknesses in the aspects of source participation, helping the main body, means and fund management. This paper adopts the method of combining the trade union literature research with the actual investigation, the qualitative analysis and the quantitative research, based on the data of Guizhou Province from the data of the labor union difficult workers' help management system, combined with the author's daily work. Through the distribution of questionnaires, telephone interviews, household interviews, etc., to understand trade union support work managers, specific operators and difficult workers. On the basis of the research on the situation of difficult workers' groups in Guizhou Province and the present situation of helping trade union organizations, and combined with the good experience and practice of trade union organizations at home and abroad in helping workers with difficulties, this paper intends to give support to the headstream of trade union organizations in Guizhou Province in helping workers with difficulties. Main body construction, help mechanism, fund management and other aspects put forward countermeasures and suggestions. The main frame structure of this paper is based on the analysis of the current situation of difficult workers and trade unions in Guizhou Province, finds out the existing problems of trade union help, and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions, and expounds the background and historical evolution of trade union support. And the necessity, feasibility and advantages and disadvantages of trade union support. In view of the fact that the source way of trade union support is to play the role of trade union help in social security system, in the aspect of countermeasure research, this article focuses on the Guizhou province trade union organization to strengthen the source participation in helping force to carry on the elaboration.
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