[Abstract]:Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the development of our national economy and the main bearer of social employment. They have made outstanding contributions in the fields of active market economy, providing supporting services and absorbing labor force. But at present, the social insurance rights and interests of the employees of small and medium-sized enterprises have not been effectively implemented, the enterprises ignore the rights and interests of employees, try their best to evade the fees and miss the fees, a considerable number of workers are not protected by the social insurance system, and labor conflicts occur frequently. If the rights and interests of a large number of workers with low ability to resist risks are infringed upon and their basic living is not guaranteed, they will directly reduce the social public's satisfaction with the entire social insurance industry and their recognition. Exacerbating social inequality and social risks. It has been proved that the lack of employee rights and social security responsibility has become a prominent manifestation of social problems and social contradictions in the transition period. In other words, improving the level of social insurance participation of small and medium-sized enterprises has become one of the key problems that must be solved in order to improve the overall level of social insurance construction. In the construction of social insurance enterprise, the enterprise is the main body of responsibility, not only bear the most important obligation to pay, but also the actual payer of declaration and payment behavior. Therefore, how to mobilize enthusiasm and initiative from the enterprise itself, improve the consciousness of social insurance responsibility, and transform the forced external pressure into the spontaneous responsibility behavior with internal drive is the key to solve the dilemma of risk participation of small and medium-sized enterprises. From the perspective of corporate social responsibility (CSR), this paper analyzes the influence of corporate internal management concept, social responsibility commitment and interaction with stakeholders on corporate cognition and behavior choice. To explore the social insurance participation of small and medium-sized enterprises behavior and internal reasons. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly describes the background and significance of the topic, reviews the status quo of the research and puts forward the research issues. The second part is to define the concept of small and medium-sized enterprises, social insurance, corporate social responsibility and other related theories are introduced, the introduction of corporate social responsibility as an important angle of view to analyze the risk behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises, to pave the way for the later elaboration. The third part analyzes the main problems existing in the present situation of small and medium-sized enterprises' participation: the lack of consciousness of insurance liability, the strong efficiency orientation and government orientation of enterprise cognition and behavior choice. The fourth part explores the internal logic and evolution rules behind the choice of social insurance behavior, and finds out the internal causes of the lack of responsibility consciousness of small and medium-sized enterprises, that is, the lack of incentive mechanism and the lack of balance mechanism. Finally, it is put forward that we can improve the sense of corporate responsibility, mold the corporate culture, change the government function, cultivate the consciousness of laborer's responsibility and so on to promote the benefit game, and help to solve the problem of the participation of the small and medium-sized enterprises' social insurance.
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