[Abstract]:Land contract management is the core system in rural areas of our country, which is related to the development of rural areas and the survival of farmers. With the development of the rural reform and the intensification of the urbanization process, the mortgage of the rural land management right becomes a problem which has to be faced in the process of the rural reform and urbanization. Under the dualistic system of urban and rural areas, land carries the function of social security in rural areas. However, it has encountered a lot of difficulties in practice, such as whether the contractual management right of land can mortgage financing and how to carry out mortgage financing. In order to solve the mortgage problem of the land contractual management right, it is urgent to innovate the mortgage guarantee system, perfect the rural land contractual management right system, and establish the evaluation system of the value of the land contractual management right linked to the market. Improve the transfer and change mechanism of land contractual management rights, and guarantee the mortgage rights and interests of rural land contractual management rights in the aspects of financial system and legal system.
【作者单位】: 重庆理工大学管理学院;
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