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Political Trust Institutionalism Culturalism Meso

发布时间:2016-12-31 14:09



Interactive and Revisionist Political Trust: A Meso -Theory on the Sources of Political Trust in Contemporary China

[1] [2]

You Yu & Wang Zhengxu ( School of Public Affairs, Xiamen University, Xiamen; School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Nottingham University, UK)

[1]厦门大学公共事务学院; [2]英国诺丁汉大学当代中国研究学院


AbstrCultural and institutional explanations of political trust have been intensively examined by scholars. This paper integrates them into a meso - level theory and analyzes political trust as an interactive and revisionist process. We argue that social and political values received from early stage socialization form the psychological foundation on which individuals process and respond to evaluations of institutional performances. Such an inter- active process determines how much an individual citizen trusts a political institution or political system. Contin- uous inflow of political information also means individuals will revise their disposition regarding how trustworthy the political objective (institution or system) is. Based on Waves One and Three data from the Asian Barometer Survey, we examine longitudinal changes in Chinese people's political trust in specific institutions and their gen- eral political trust. The empirical results support this model of interactive and revisionist political trust. Specif- ically, Chinese citizens' political trust appears to be defined by political culture as manifested in individual's value orientation, but it is constantly revised when citizens respond to the regime and institutions' performance, such as their economic performance, transparency, responsiveness, and cleanness.


Keyword::Political Trust Institutionalism Culturalism Meso - theory

课题项目:感谢厦门大学雷艳红副教授、李艳霞副教授与上海财经大学助理教授林瑞华博士以及2012年北京大学政治经济学系年会相关与会者对本文初稿的评论与建议. “亚洲民主动态调查”项目;国家社会科学基金青年项目“当代中国社会底层政治信任研究”(项目编号:11CZZ003).







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