发布时间:2018-06-10 10:17
本文选题:非意愿性行为 + 未婚人工流产女性 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:[研究背景]无论在发达国家还是发展中国家,都有大量的青少年遭受着非意愿性行为的侵扰,非意愿性行为严重影响着青少年的身心健康。在中国,近年来通过报纸、网络、电视等媒体报道的性骚扰、强迫性行为、强迫未遂、性交易/强迫卖淫等青少年遭受非意愿性行为侵扰的个案报道日益增多,青少年非意愿性行为已成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。但我国现有研究较少,且内容和深度都很有限,研究内容多局限于强迫性行为或性暴力和性虐待,未能全面研究非意愿性行为所涵盖的多种形式(如短信/网络/电话骚扰、暴露身体隐秘部位、肢体语言/象征物骚扰、被偷窥/偷拍、言语性骚扰、非意愿身体触碰、强迫未遂、强迫性行为及儿童期性虐待等);且调查指标简单、笼统,缺乏明确的定义,绝大多数研究仅是简单询问调查对象是否遭受过非意愿性交行为或强迫性行为,没有研究受害者遭受性强迫后的后果以及求助行为等。因此,我国青少年遭受非意愿性行为侵扰是一个非常重要但仍缺乏研究的课题。尽管在国外已经开展了很多针对性的研究,但各国的研究结果之间差异很大;且性行为受社会文化背景的强烈影响,研究结果之间也不能直接引用和比较。 [研究目的]通过对上海市大学生和未婚人工流产女性两个人群的非意愿性行为调查资料的分析,了解上海市青少年中各种非意愿性行为的发生比例和具体发生情况(施害者、发生地点、当时的反应及求助行为等),探讨青少年遭受非意愿性行为侵扰的相关因素和所产生的不良影响。 [研究方法]本研究为横断面调查。调查对象是上海市三年级大学生和24岁以下未婚人工流产女性。两人群采取了不同的抽样方法,对于大学生对象,以上海市四所综合性大学作为研究现场,于2009年5-7月采取两阶段随机抽样的方法来选择;对于未婚人工流产女性,则根据方便抽样的原则选取3家提供常规流产服务的二级甲等医院作为研究现场,于2009年10月-2010年5月在计划生育门诊采取序贯抽样方法选择研究对象。在征得对象知情同意后,采用计算机辅助自调查技术进行匿名调查,调查员仅在调查对象遇到困难时予以协助。调查内容主要包括一般情况、自我评价和态度、健康危险行为、性经历,各种非意愿性行为的发生情况、当时的应对方式、事后的求助行为和不良影响等。完成一次调查大约需要20-30分钟。应用的分析软件为SAS9.1和Amos17.0,采用的统计分析方法主要包括方差分析、X2检验、Logistic回归分析、聚类分析、判别分析和结构方程模型等。 [研究结果] 1.基本情况:共分析893名未婚人工流产女性、430名男大学生和667名女大学生合格样本,平均年龄均为21.5岁。 2.非意愿性行为发生比例:调查对象遭受各种非意愿行为侵扰的比例不一,但总体上,不论是未婚人工流产女性还是大学生,都有相当高比例的调查对象遭受过非意愿性行为的侵扰,尤其是女性对象。其中,女性对象中身体性骚扰的发生比例最高(57.67%-63.12%),其次是言语性骚扰和手机黄色短信骚扰(32.92%-38.23%);男生较多地遭受过手机黄色短信骚扰、身体性骚扰、黄色Email/BBS信息骚扰和言语性骚扰(20.00%-36.51%)。值得注意的是,12.32%的未婚人工流产女性和27.34%的性活跃女大学生曾被迫发生性交行为,发生形式虽以言语说服/引诱为主(57.27%-65.71%),但也有11.43%-13.64%的女性受害者曾遭受暴力形式的强迫性行为;不仅是女性,5.88%的性活跃男大学生也曾被迫发生性交行为,且发生形式也主要为言语说服/引诱(75%)。调查对象报告遭受儿童期性虐待的比例也较高,16.69%的未婚人工流产女性、10.23%的男生和18.14%的女生报告在14岁前至少经历过一种形式的性虐待,其中以“施虐者在受害者面前暴露生殖器,,最常见(4.19%-12.74%)。 3.非意愿性行为的施害者:调查对象遭受非意愿性行为侵扰时施害者主要有陌生人、同学/朋友/网友/同事和情人/恋人/未婚夫,具体施害者比例各有不同,男大学生主要遭受来自同学/朋友/网友/同事等同伴的非意愿性行为侵扰(50.00%-86.05%);女性遭受程度较轻的言语和身体性骚扰主要来自陌生人(42.32%-78.62%),严重形式的强迫性行为则主要来自情人/恋人/未婚夫(49.09%-62.86%)。绝大多数(79.39%-98.15%)女性遭受的强迫性抚摸、强迫未遂和强迫性行为来自异性,而男性则较高比例地遭受了同性的侵扰(50%-57.58%)。 4.遭受非意愿性行为时的应对方式及事后的求助行为:在遭受非意愿性行为侵扰时,调查对象对不同类型的非意愿性行为侵扰的应对方式不同。在遭受言语性骚扰、身体性骚扰和强迫性抚摸后,女性采取积极应对(42.76%-59.63%)或“走开”(32.29%-56.29%)方式来应对的比例较高,男生则多以消极方式应对(63.64%-76.74%);受害者对不同施害者实施的同一类型非意愿性行为侵扰的应对方式也不同,未婚人工流产女性和女大学生易采取“走开”的方式来躲避陌生人的言语性骚扰、身体性骚扰和强迫性抚摸(43.24%-67.07%),而对来自同学/朋友/网友/同事的骚扰则易积极应对(57.45%-76.32%)。在遭受言语性骚扰、身体性骚扰、强迫性抚摸和强迫性行为后,一半以上(57.09%-61.13%)的未婚人工流产女性、37.50%-46.51%的男大学生和42.86%-66.30%的女大学生受害者会向别人倾诉,其主要的倾诉对象为同学/朋友/网友/同事,其次为情人/恋人/未婚夫(妻)和家人/亲戚;与男生相比,女生向家人/亲戚倾诉的比例要高一些。 5.遭受非意愿性行为后的不良影响:在遭受非意愿性行为侵扰后,调查对象报告的不良影响主要为“情绪变坏”(8.55%-41.82%),女性受害者报告“对异性交往产生心理障碍”的比例也较高(7.36%-22.86%)。对不良影响严重程度的进一步分析表明,女性对象遭受的非意愿性行为程度越严重,产生不良影响的比例越高(从27.75%增加到82.73%),且产生较严重不良影响的比例也越高(从11.45%上升到47.27%);相对而言,非意愿性行为侵扰对男大学生产生的不良影响较少(11.11%-25%)、也较轻(产生较严重不良影响比例最高为11.63%)。 6.非意愿性行为发生的相关因素:多因素Logistic回归分析表明,健康危险行为多的对象遭受各种非意愿性行为侵扰的危险性高(OR介于1.17~1.58),有儿童期性虐待经历和有多个性伴的未婚人工流产女性在15岁后易遭受强迫性行为的侵扰(OR=2.42和3.88)。 7.不同类型非意愿性行为的聚集现象:根据聚类分析结果,未婚人工流产女性和女大学生都可被划分为三类非意愿性行为模式组,多数对象(69.54%-88.01%)属于不易发生非意愿性行为组,只有少数对象(2.55%-4.70%)属于各种非意愿性行为高发组,其余则为部分非意愿性行为高发组。与非意愿性行为发生的相关因素类似,非意愿性行为聚类模式的影响因素分析显示,健康危险行为多的对象易归入非意愿性行为高发组,即遭受非意愿性行为的危险高(OR=1.41和1.69)。 8.强迫性行为影响因素的结构方程模型:不论是未婚人工流产女性还是女大学生,在儿童期遭受过性虐待(总作用分别为0.309和0.048)和有多种健康危险行为(总作用分别为0.162和0.106)者在15岁后易被迫发生性交行为;儿童期性虐待主要是直接导致未婚人工流产女性强迫性行为的发生(直接作用为0.256),而在女大学生中以间接作用(0.045)为主,且作用较小 [结论] 1.未婚人工流产女性和大学生遭受非意愿性行为侵扰较为常见,且非意愿性行为侵扰对青少年的身心健康产生了不良影响。 2.女性青少年中非意愿性行为的发生存在聚集现象,多数对象隶属于不易发生非意愿性行为组,只有少数对象隶属于非意愿性行为高发组。 3.健康危险行为多的青少年容易遭受非意愿性行为的侵扰。 4.有儿童期性虐待经历和有多种健康危险行为的女性青少年易遭受强迫性行为的侵扰;且儿童期性虐待主要是直接导致未婚人工流产女性强迫性行为的发生,而在女大学生中以间接作用为主,且作用较小
[Abstract]:In recent years , there are few cases of sexual harassment , obsessive - compulsive behavior , forced attempt , sex trade / forced prostitution , etc .
However , it is a very important but still lack of research in China ' s young people . Although there have been a lot of research in foreign countries , there is a great difference between the research results of countries .
And sexual behavior is strongly influenced by the social and cultural background , and the research results cannot be directly quoted and compared .
The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence and specific occurrence of various kinds of non - willingness behaviors among adolescents in Shanghai through the analysis of the data of non - willingness behaviors of female students and unmarried women in Shanghai .
This study is a cross - sectional survey . The investigation object is a three - year university student in Shanghai and unmarried women under 24 years of age . The two groups adopt different sampling methods . For college students , four comprehensive universities in Shanghai are used as the research field , and the two - stage random sampling method is adopted in May - July 2009 .
According to the principle of convenient sampling , three secondary - class A hospitals providing regular abortion services were selected as the research field . After the subject ' s consent was obtained , an anonymous survey was conducted by means of computer - aided self - investigation techniques . The investigation included general situation , self - evaluation and attitude , health risk behavior , sexual experience , various kinds of non - willingness behaviors , the then coping style , ex post facto recourse behavior and adverse effects . The analysis software used was SAS9.1 and Amos17.0 . The statistical analysis methods adopted include variance analysis , X2 test , Logistic regression analysis , cluster analysis , discriminant analysis and structural equation model .
Outcome of the study
1 . Basic information : The average age of 1,430 unmarried women with unmarried induced abortion , 430 male college students and 667 female college students were analyzed . The average age was 21.5 years .
2 . Proportion of non - willingness sexual behavior : the proportion of female subject to various non - willingness behaviors is different , but overall , whether unmarried or abortion women or university students , there are quite high proportion of investigation objects which are subject to non - willingness sexual behavior , especially female objects . Among them , the incidence of sexual harassment in female subjects is the highest ( 57.67 % - 63.12 % ) , followed by verbal harassment and mobile phone yellow short message harassment ( 32.92 % - 38.23 % ) ;
It is worth noting that 12.32 % of unmarried and 27.34 % of sexually active female college students have been forced to commit sexual intercourse , although 11.43 % - 13.64 % of female victims have been subjected to violent forms of violence .
Female , 5.88 % sexually active male college students were also forced to commit sexual intercourse , and the form was mainly verbal persuasion / inducement ( 75 % ) . The respondents reported a high proportion of sexual abuse in children , 16.69 % of unmarried abortions , 10.23 % of boys and 18.14 % of girls reported at least one form of sexual abuse before the age of 14 , with " abusers exposed to genital mutilation in the presence of the victim " ( 4.19 % - 12.74 % ) . 3 . The perpetrator of non - willingness sexual behavior : The perpetrator was mainly stranger , classmate / friend / net friend / colleague and lover / lover / unmarried husband when the investigation object was disturbed by non - willingness . The male college students were mainly from strangers ( 42.32 % - 78.62 % ) , and the severe form of compulsive behavior mainly came from the stranger ( 42.32 % - 78.62 % ) . The overwhelming majority ( 79.39 % - 98.15 % ) suffered from sex , while the male suffered from the same - sex disturbance ( 50 % - 57.58 % ) . 4 . The coping style and subsequent recourse behavior when subjected to non - willingness sexual behavior : when subjected to sexual harassment , physical harassment and forced displacement , women responded positively ( 42.76 % - 59.63 % ) or " walk away " ( 32.29 % - 56.29 % ) in a positive response ( 63.64 % - 76.74 % ) ;
The victim ' s response to the same type of non - willingness sexual behavior is different , and unmarried induced abortion women and female college students are vulnerable to verbal harassment , physical harassment and forced caress ( 43.24 % - 76.32 % ) . The main tendency of the victim is classmates / friends / net friends / colleagues , followed by lovers / lovers / unmarried husbands ( wives ) and family members / relatives .
The proportion of girls to family / relatives is higher than boys .
5 . The negative effects of non - willingness sexual behaviour : The negative effects of the report on the subject were mainly " emotional deterioration " ( 8.55 per cent - 41.82 per cent ) , and the higher proportion of female victims reported " psychological barriers to heterosexual contacts " ( 7.36 per cent - 22.86 per cent ) . The further analysis of the extent to which the negative effects were severe , the higher the negative impact ( from 27.75 per cent to 82.73 per cent ) , and the higher the proportion of severe adverse effects ( from 11.45 per cent to 47.27 per cent ) ;
In contrast , the adverse effect of non - willingness sexual behavior on male college students was less ( 11 . 11 % -25 % ) , and also light ( the most significant adverse effect ratio was 11.63 % ) .
6 . The related factors of non - willingness sexual behavior : multi - factor logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of sexual behavior was high ( OR ranged from 1.17 to 1.58 ) . There were children ' s sexual abuse experience and multiple personality - associated unmarried women who were vulnerable to forced behavior after 15 years of age ( OR = 2.42 and 3.88 ) .
7 . Cluster analysis of different types of non - willingness sexual behaviour : According to the results of cluster analysis , unmarried artificial abortion women and female college students can be divided into three groups of non - willingness sexual behaviors . The majority of subjects ( 69.54 % - 88.01 % ) belong to the non - willingness sexual behavior group , and only a few objects ( 2.55 % - 4.70 % ) belong to the high incidence group of non - willingness sexual behavior .
8 . The structural equation model of the influencing factors of obsessive - compulsive behavior : whether unmarried induced abortion women or female college students suffered sexual abuse during childhood ( 0.309 and 0.048 respectively ) and various health risks ( 0.162 and 0.106 , respectively ) , were vulnerable to sexual intercourse after 15 years of age ;
Children ' s sexual abuse is mainly caused by the forced behavior of unmarried women who have not been married directly ( 0.256 ) , while in female college students the indirect effect ( 0 . 45 ) is dominant , and the effect is small .
1 . Unmarried abortion women and college students are more common and have negative effects on the physical and mental health of adolescents .
2 . There is an aggregation phenomenon in female adolescents , most of which belong to non - willing sex groups , and only a few are subordinate to the high incidence group of non - willingness sexual behaviour .
3 . Adolescents with multiple health risks are vulnerable to unwanted sexual behaviour .
4 . Female adolescents with children ' s sexual abuse experience and multiple health risk behaviors are vulnerable to forced behavior ;
Children ' s sexual abuse mainly leads to the occurrence of forced sexual behavior of unmarried induced abortion women , while in female college students , the indirect effect is main , and the role is small
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