[Abstract]:In from July 1 to 2, 2011, the Central Organization Department, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Party school, the central literature research room, the central party history research room, the Ministry of education, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the General Political Department of the PLA held a joint conference on the 90th anniversary theory of the founding of the Communist Party of China in Beijing. Members of the work leadership group, the authors of the selected papers, the representatives of the theorists, the main responsible comrades of the Propaganda Department of the party committees in the provinces and municipalities and the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, the Work Committee of the central government organs, the Committee of the central state organs and the propaganda Department of the general political Ministry of the PLA, and about 230 people participating in the meeting. The thesis of Li Taimiao, the president of the magazine The Communist Party of China inherits and develops the theory of Marx's ownership.
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3 尹江勇;全国社科院系统邓研中心第十二届年会暨理论研讨会召开[N];河南日报;2007年
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5 ;市社科理论界召开学习贯彻落实十七大精神理论研讨会[N];杭州日报;2007年
6 吴澄清 刘玉东(作者单位:中共南京市委党校);构建和谐社会须注重整合社会关系[N];南京日报;2006年
7 本报记者 吴s