[Abstract]:On the afternoon of July 24, the symposium on the 20th anniversary of the founding of the magazine and the opening meeting of the oral history research center of the shanghai institute of literature and history were held in shanghai science hall Wang Chuguang, former deputy director and deputy director of the editorial committee of the Central Museum of Cultural Studies and History, Gong Xinhan, former deputy director of the propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, Wu Jie, deputy director of the United Front work Department of the Municipal CPC Committee, Chen Sidi, director of the Department of Literature and History Business of the Central Research Center for Cultural and History Studies, and the historiographers, Experts and scholars from the press attended the meeting. At the meeting, Huang Zhizheng, deputy curator, announced the official establishment of the oral history research center of the Shanghai Museum of Literature and History, and hired Xiong Yuezhi, Jiang Yihua as its director, Pan Junxiang, Feng Shaoting, Ma Changlin, Zheng Zuan, Chen Zuen, GE Kun Yuan, Jin Guangyao, Xing Jianrong, Xu Youwei, Zhu Nine Lin 10 scholars for special researchers.
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