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发布时间:2018-08-02 15:00
【摘要】:作为人类一种古老的社会行为,领养自希腊神话时期起便延续至今。起初,领养是一种家庭组成方式,而随着社会的发展变化,如今,领养已成为一个包含家庭构成、社会评价、政府政策和法律等复杂的社会现象,而澳大利亚的领养问题更是由于其历史问题变得复杂化。近十年来,澳大利亚每年只有400例左右的领养,而相比之下,美国每年有上千例,其中原因是值得探究的。 本论文首先从世界范围内介绍领养这一话题,以便从全球的视角下更全面地看待澳大利亚的领养地位。接下来,论文从澳大利亚国内领养和跨国领养两方面分别进行分析。国内方面,澳大利亚“被偷走的一代”以及被迫放弃孩子的白人母亲所遭受的创伤和悔恨在很大程度上影响了澳大利亚当代人对待国内领养的态度。相较国内领养,近年来,跨国领养在澳大利亚却日益受到欢迎,笔者在澳大利亚维多利亚州跨国领养部的采访也将用于分析澳大利亚的国内和跨国领养态度差别的问题。 最后,本文得出结论,澳大利亚领养问题已经从过去的“以领养父母为中心”发展到如今的“以被领养儿童为中心”。虽然领养行为在澳大利亚不如在其他主要欧美国家受到支持,但值得注意的是,在今天,澳大利亚的领养已经不再是“白澳政策”的一部分,澳大利亚已经成为儿童利益保护方面的领导者。
[Abstract]:As an ancient social behavior, adoption has continued since Greek mythology. At first, adoption was a form of family formation, but as society evolved, adoption has become a complex social phenomenon that includes family composition, social evaluation, government policies and laws. Australia's adoption problem has become more complicated by its history. Australia has had only about 400 adoptions a year in the past decade, compared with thousands in the United States, for reasons worth exploring. This paper first introduces the topic of adoption from a worldwide perspective, in order to view Australia's adoption status more comprehensively from a global perspective. Next, the paper analyzes the domestic adoption and intercountry adoption in Australia. At home, the "stolen generation" in Australia and the trauma and remorse suffered by white mothers who were forced to abandon their children have largely affected the attitude of current Australians towards domestic adoption. Compared with domestic adoptions, intercountry adoption is becoming increasingly popular in Australia in recent years. My interview with the Department of Intercountry Adoption in Victoria, Australia, will also be used to analyze the differences in attitudes between domestic and intercountry adoptions in Australia. Finally, this paper draws a conclusion that the adoption problem in Australia has developed from "taking adoptive parents as the center" to "taking adopted children as the center". Although adoption is less popular in Australia than in other major European and American countries, it is worth noting that today, adoption in Australia is no longer part of the White Australia policy. Australia has become a leader in the protection of children's interests.


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