[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic system reform and urban management system reform in China and the gradual rise of Chinese civil society, citizens pay more and more attention to the governance of urban community public affairs, participate more and more, and speed up the development of the community. The governance role of citizens is prominent. Urban community management is the reform and development of the urban management system at the grass-roots level. It is an inevitable requirement for solving social contradictions, maintaining social stability and promoting economic development during the transition period. It is also an inevitable requirement for urban residents to realize self-management and self-service. The means of self-education At present, great achievements have been made in community construction and community service in Hefei, with a relatively perfect community management system at the four levels of the city, district, street and residential level, but there are still many problems. The government promotes the overall control and governance of the community from the top down. This leads to a strong sense of community administration, which runs counter to the original intention of the community and the development of the community. In addition, the financial burden of the government is too heavy, the community management system is not perfect, the intermediary organization develops slowly and is restricted by many factors, the resources are unevenly distributed, the citizen participation is not wide enough, the depth is not deep enough and so on. It restricts the process of constructing harmonious community in our country. The way to solve this problem is to construct a diversified mode of power operation on the basis of multi-center power subject. The state realizes decentralization, encourages the development of relevant organizations, and achieves the goal of community autonomy through the cooperation between the state and the society, and the cooperation between the government and the society. The construction of a good governance system, that is, the participation of multiple subjects, various autonomous social groups as the carrier, and the community public management and public service system based on the needs of the residents, can greatly promote the government, the community, the residents, the society, The harmonious development of the relationship between enterprises and other aspects. Harmonious community is a community in which community, government, enterprises, social organizations and residents participate together. Based on the practice investigation of community construction in Hefei, this paper summarizes the organization system and operation mechanism of community governance model, and illustrates the success of community co-management in community construction with examples. The problems and reasons of the development of community co-governance mode are also discussed, and some constructive suggestions and suggestions are put forward.
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