本文关键词: 失智老人 家庭照顾者 心理焦虑 个案工作 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This paper takes a community in Yingkou city as an investigation area, taking the caregivers of G grandfather family as an example, to investigate the burden and psychological pressure in the course of care, and to understand the factors causing their psychological anxiety. Through narrative therapy, we can listen to the inner thoughts of the victim, externalize the problem, help them vent their negative emotions, and provide the breather service for the victim. Increase personal travel, rest time, communicate and coordinate the community and related institutions, and provide necessary care and help to families in need. Through the study of mental anxiety of family caregivers for the mentally retarded elderly. Better understand the psychological status of caregivers and the status quo of life, explore more effective means of intervention, and formulate reasonable and appropriate preventive measures and intervention measures. To improve the level of physical and mental health and quality of life of family carers for the mentally retarded elderly, and to provide more comprehensive and secure care services for the elderly with mental retardation by means of effective intervention. To provide necessary support for needy patients and families, to give active help and intervention to caregivers, and to provide reference for community services. Long-term care process makes caregivers have a series of mental health problems. Anxiety is more obvious, through the case work intervention, can effectively alleviate their negative emotions, better improve the quality of life of caregivers. The results show that the social worker intervention method has a significant effect on improving the mental anxiety of the family carers of the mentally retarded elderly, and can provide a more comprehensive reference for the research in this field.
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