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发布时间:2018-01-29 22:42

  本文关键词: 大学生 人格 应对方式 自我和谐 出处:《河北师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自我和谐反映的是个体自我和经验(或表现、体验)之间的一致与和谐,它与大多数的身心症状相关显著。关注大学生的心理健康状况意义重大,而自我和谐作为与其密切相关的因素,理应受到研究者们的重视。本文旨在对大学生人格、应对方式及自我和谐的特点进行调查,并针对大学生人格、应对方式与自我和谐三者的关系进行深入探讨。 本研究在石家庄的三所大学中,采用分层整群抽样的方法,抽取了1000名被试,并对这些被试施测艾森克人格问卷(简式量表中国版EPQ-RSC)、压力应对方式问卷和自我和谐量表(SCCS),,所得结果如下: 1.大学生人格现状 在“精神质”维度上,得分情况如下:男生高于女生;大一高于大二、大三;非艺术类低于艺术类;城市生源高于农村生源;独生子女高于非独生子女。在“神经质”维度上,大一低于大二、大三;艺术类低于非艺术类;城市生源高于农村生源。在“内外向”维度上,男生高于女生;艺术类高于非艺术类;大一高于大二、大三。以上差异均显著。 2.大学生应对方式现状 在自责、幻想、退避及合理化四个因子上得分情况如下:男生高于女生;独生子女高于非独生子女。在求助因子上,女生高于男生。在解决问题和退避因子上,大一高于大二、大三;艺术类高于非艺术类。以上差异均显著。 3.大学生自我和谐现状 被试在各维度上的得分情况如下:在“自我不和谐”、“自我刻板性”、“不和谐总分”上,男生高于女生;在“自我灵活性”因子上,女生高于男生。在“自我不和谐”因子上,大一低于大二、大三;非艺术类高于艺术类。在“自我刻板性”因子上,大一高于大二、大三;艺术类高于非艺术类;城市生源高于农村生源;独生子女高于非独生子女。在“不和谐总分”上,独生子女高于非独生子女。在”自我灵活性“上,非独生子女高于独生子女。以上差异均显著。 4.大学生人格与自我和谐、人格与应对方式、应对方式与自我和谐存在显著的相关。 5.应对方式在人格与自我和谐之间起部分中介作用。
[Abstract]:Self-harmony reflects the consistency and harmony between individual self and experience (or performance, experience), which is significantly related to most of the physical and mental symptoms. It is of great significance to pay attention to the mental health status of college students. As a closely related factor, self-harmony should be attached importance to by researchers. This paper aims to investigate the personality, coping style and self-harmony of college students, and aim at college students' personality. The relationship between coping style and self-harmony is discussed. In this study, 1000 subjects were selected by stratified cluster sampling in three universities in Shijiazhuang, and were tested with Eysenck Personality questionnaire (EPQ-RSC-China version). The stress coping style questionnaire and Self-Harmony scale (SCCSA) showed the following results: 1. Status quo of college students' personality In the dimension of "psychoticism", the scores are as follows: male students are higher than girls; Freshman is higher than sophomore, sophomore; The non-art category is lower than the art class; Urban students are higher than rural ones. The only child is higher than the non-only child. In the dimension of "neuroticism", freshman is lower than sophomore and junior; The category of art is lower than that of non-art; Urban students are higher than rural students. In the dimension of "inside and outside", boys are higher than girls; The category of art is higher than that of non-art; The difference between freshmen and sophomores is significant. 2. Current situation of coping styles of college students The scores of self-blame, fantasy, avoidance and rationalization are as follows: male students are higher than girls; The only child is higher than the non-only child. In the help factor, the female is higher than the male. In the problem solving and retreat factor, the freshman is higher than the sophomore and the junior; The artistic category is higher than the non-artistic category. 3.The present situation of college students' self-harmony The scores of subjects in each dimension are as follows: in "self-disharmony", "self-stereotype", "total score of disharmony", boys are higher than girls; In "self-flexibility" factor, girls are higher than boys. In "self-disharmony" factor, freshman is lower than sophomore and junior; The non-art category is higher than the art class. In the "self-stereotype" factor, the freshman is higher than the sophomore and the sophomore. The category of art is higher than that of non-art; Urban students are higher than rural ones. The only child is higher than the non-only child. In the total score of disharmony, the only child is higher than the non-only child. In "self-flexibility", the non-only child is higher than the only child. 4. There is significant correlation between personality and self harmony, personality and coping style, coping style and self harmony. 5. Coping style plays an intermediary role between personality and self-harmony.


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