本文关键词: 阈下情绪信息 决策 心理战 出处:《国防科学技术大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In military aided decision-making under the condition of information technology, strictly trained decision makers can make full use of the advantages of information technology to make efficient and accurate military decisions, and consciously avoid the adverse effects of the surrounding environment. This makes it more difficult for the subject of psychological warfare to disrupt the enemy's decision to achieve the goal of psychological warfare. Therefore, it is necessary to study new means of "decision interference", which can not only influence the enemy's decision, Subliminal emotional information has such characteristics that it can be transmitted through the information system, and on the basis of not causing the enemy decision makers to be conscious, they can induce their unconscious emotions. It has an impact on the decision-making process, makes the systematic bias of the decision in favor of us, dispels the superiority of the enemy's information technology, and achieves the purpose of psychological warfare. Firstly, this study comprehensively collected and sorted out the relevant literature at home and abroad. This paper defines the concept of subthreshold emotional information influencing decision-making, summarizes the psychological mechanism model of emotional impact decision-making on the basis of previous psychological models, and includes subthreshold emotional information and cognitive reassessment. It improves the theoretical research on the relationship between emotion and decision-making, and provides a research hypothesis for the empirical study: subliminal emotional information can influence the decision-making process covert without the influence of cognitive reappraisal. On the basis of theoretical research, an experimental study on the influence of subthreshold emotional information on decision-making is carried out. In order to make the empirical research more close to the military decision-making environment, this study is based on the traditional risk cognition and risk decision measurement. The subthreshold emotional priming was selected as the experimental paradigm, and the titer of emotional information was explored. The effects of arousal degree and cognitive reappraisal on emotional information influencing risk cognition and risk decision making are discussed. The results show that subthreshold emotional information can not be affected by cognitive reappraisal. The subliminal emotional information can influence the decision-making process covert without the influence of cognitive reassessment, which verifies the original hypothesis. By controlling the titer and arousal of emotional information, the decision-making process can be changed in a corresponding way. Thirdly, on the basis of the experimental conclusions, the idea of psychological warfare and the psychological warfare method are put forward by using subliminal emotional information. Finally, the author combs the conclusions of the research, and points out the existing problems of the research and the direction of the next research.
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