本文关键词: 数学学习困难 藏族初中生 工作记忆 Flanker任务 n-back任务 出处:《西藏大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The difficulty in learning mathematics, referred to as MLD, as an important type of learning difficulties, they account for a large proportion in the whole students. In recent years, research on the mathematics learning difficulties has attracted great attention of the psychology education scholars and scholars. The related research at home and abroad throughout, for the study of mathematics learning difficulties mainly related to the MLD definition, diagnostic criteria, difficulties, causes, classification, and internal cognitive mechanism. Especially with the in-depth study of information processing theory, research on MLD's cognitive processing mechanism has become the focus of study. In recent years, about the difficulty in learning mathematics (MLD) and work memory (WM) study more and more. This research is based on the Baddeley and Hitch of the three component model of working memory theory, through the Flanker task, n-back spatial and verbal tasks of Tibet reservoir The difficulty in learning mathematics and working memory system in the central executive function of junior middle school students, the visuo spatial Sketchpad, phonological loop internal relations of the three components. This paper includes four studies: 1) comparison of mathematical learning excellent students and students difficult mathematics in the central executive system differences, the system characteristics of the system implementation study of mathematics learning students who have difficulties in central; 2) the difference of excellent students with mathematics learning difficulties of students in the visual spatial template of mathematics, mathematics study difficult student characteristics of visual spatial template learning; 3) the difference of excellent students with mathematics learning difficulties of students in the phonological loop of Mathematics, mathematics learning difficulties students of phonological loop the characteristics of the system; 4) to work in the middle stage of memory with the relationship between growth and development trend of grade and mathematical ability development. The research found that: (1) In the central task, the correct rate of students in the conflict condition was significantly lower than that of the excellent students; in the visual space on the template, the number of trapped students the correct rate of 1-back and 2-back were significantly lower than that under the condition of outstanding group of students; the number of trapped students reaction under the condition of 2-back is significantly longer than the elite group in the phonological loop; on the number of trapped students was significantly lower than the outstanding group of students under the condition of 2-back. (2) the interaction between grade and group analysis found that in the Flanker task, the favorable conditions and reaction time under the conflict, the main effect of grade were significantly lower than in grade seven, grade nine the students of grade eight, grade; and group interaction are not significant; the main effect of the conflict under the condition of the correct rate of significant grade, grade nine was significantly higher than that of grade seven, grade eight, grade and group interaction was not significant. In the n-back space mission, anti 1-back When on, the main effect of grade was grade nine was significantly lower than that of grade seven students, the interaction between grades and groups are not significant; correct rate of 1-back on the interaction between grade and group.2-back had no significant response on the main effect of grade seven grade was significantly higher than that of the eight grade, nine grade students, grade and group interaction the correct rate of 2-back was significant; the main effect of grade on significant, grade seven was significantly lower than that of grade eight, grade nine students, grade and group interaction was not significant. In n-back speech task, 1-back reaction time of the main effect of grade eight, grade nine was significantly lower than that of the students of grade seven, grade and group interaction was not significant the main effect of 1-back; the correct rate of group interaction, and grade groups were not significant.2-back reaction on the main effect of grade seven grade was significantly higher than that of the eight grade, nine grade students, grades and groups to The interaction is not significant; the interaction of 2-back accuracy and the main effect of grade groups were not significant. (3) there was a significant positive correlation between students' correct rate of mathematical difficulties in various tasks on the learning achievements and difficulties in mathematics students. Conclusion: the central executive system, visual spatial template and phonological loop three a working memory of all defects; working memory capacity and excellent group of students math learning disability is consistent in the development trend of the grade; the correct rate of each task is an effective index to predict mathematics learning achievement.
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