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发布时间:2018-03-07 01:36

  本文选题:成人依恋 切入点:幽默风格 出处:《江苏师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:宽恕是指受害者放弃对冒犯者的愤怒和报复,而对其报以宽容仁慈的态度和行为,是一种亲社会行为。长期以来,宽恕同公正、正义一样被认为是人之美德,为文学、宗教所关注,属伦理学、教育学的范畴,更是品德心理学研究的重要课题。近年来,随着积极心理学的兴起,宽恕研究越来越被学界所重视。人们普遍认为宽恕不仅利于个体的身心健康,还利于建立和维持和谐的人际关系,说明在宽恕的本体价值和社会价值上人们已经达成共识。而在“宽恕的影响因素”方面人们正在进行一系列有益的探索,现有研究发现个体形成于早期并伴随其终生的依恋风格会对其宽恕行为产生重要影响;自尊影响个体的宽恕水平;幽默风格也会对宽恕产生一定的影响。依恋伴随终生,成人亦存依恋,成人依恋以及上述自尊及幽默风格对个体宽恕行为的系统影响方面的研究还很少见,因此本研究具有一定的理论和应用价值。本研究将自尊和幽默风格作为中介变量纳入,考察成人依恋对宽恕的影响,使用成人亲密关系经历量表(Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory,ECR)、自尊量表(Self Esteem Scale,SES)、幽默风格问卷(Humor Style Questionnaire,HSQ)和Heartland宽恕量表(Heartland Forgiveness Scales,HFS)对徐州地区三所高校的557名大学生进行问卷调查,结论如下:1.大学生依恋焦虑和依恋回避与自尊之间存在显著负相关;2.大学生依恋回避、依恋焦虑与亲和型幽默和自强型幽默存在显著正相关,依恋回避、依恋焦虑与自贬型幽默和嘲讽型幽默存在显著负相关;3.大学生依恋回避、依恋焦虑与人际宽恕、自我宽恕均呈显著负相关;4.大学生自尊与人际宽恕、自我宽恕均成显著正相关;5.大学生自强型和亲和型幽默与宽恕存在显著正相关,嘲讽型和自贬型幽默与宽恕存在显著负相关;6.大学生适应型幽默与自尊呈显著正相关,非适应性幽默与自尊呈显著负相关;7.自尊在依恋焦虑、依恋回避和宽恕之间存在中介作用;8.幽默风格在依恋回避和宽恕关系中存在中介作用,亲和型幽默、自强型幽默和嘲讽型幽默在依恋焦虑和宽恕中起中介作用;9.自尊和适应型幽默在依恋焦虑和宽恕之间存在多重中介作用。
[Abstract]:Forgiveness is a prosocial act in which the victim renounces anger and revenge against the offender and responds to it with leniency and kindness. For a long time, forgiveness, like justice and justice, has been regarded as a virtue of man and as literature, Religion, which belongs to the category of ethics and pedagogy, is an important subject in the study of moral psychology. In recent years, with the rise of positive psychology, The study of forgiveness has been paid more and more attention to by scholars. It is generally believed that forgiveness is not only beneficial to the physical and mental health of individuals, but also conducive to the establishment and maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relationships. It shows that people have reached a consensus on the ontological value and social value of forgiveness, and that people are making a series of useful explorations in the aspect of "factors affecting forgiveness". It has been found that the attachment style formed in the early stage and followed by the individual throughout his life has an important effect on his forgiveness behavior; self-esteem affects the forgiveness level of the individual; humor style also has a certain effect on forgiveness. Adult attachment, adult attachment, and the systematic effects of self-esteem and humor styles on individual forgiveness behavior are rare. Therefore, this study has some theoretical and practical value. This study takes self-esteem and humor style as mediating variables to investigate the influence of adult attachment on forgiveness. A total of 557 college students from three universities in Xuzhou were investigated by using the adult intimate relationship experience in Close Relationships inventory, self Esteem scale, humor style questionnaire, humor style questionnaire or Style questionnaire naive HSQand Heartland forgiveness scale and Heartland Forgiveness scale. The conclusions are as follows: 1.There is a significant negative correlation between attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance and self-esteem. 2. Attachment anxiety has a significant positive correlation with affinity humor and self-reinforcing humor. Attachment anxiety has a significant negative correlation with self-deprecating humor and sarcastic humor 3.College students' attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and interpersonal forgiveness, self-forgiveness are significantly negative correlation. 4. College students' self-esteem and interpersonal forgiveness; There was a significant positive correlation between self-reinforcing humor and affective humor, while there was a significant negative correlation between self-reinforcing humor and self-deprecation humor and forgiveness. 6. There was a significant positive correlation between adaptive humor and self-esteem in college students. There is a significant negative correlation between non-adaptive humor and self-esteem. 7. Self-esteem plays an intermediary role in attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance and forgiveness. Humor style mediates attachment avoidance and forgiveness, and affinity humor. Self-reinforcing humor and sarcastic humor play an intermediary role in attachment anxiety and forgiveness. Self-esteem and adaptive humor have many mediating roles between attachment anxiety and forgiveness.


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