本文选题:N170成分 切入点:适应效应 出处:《浙江师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:视觉认知专家化是视知觉研究领域的基本和核心问题之一。尽管早期视觉专家化加工的神经电生理指标N170成分的研究已经取得了许多进展,但是专家化加工本身的特性还不是很清楚。最近研究者们开始用ERP快速适应范式来揭示专家化加工的特性。以往研究发现人脸和字词具有稳定的N170类别内适应效应,以及人脸和字词间跨类别的适应效应。但这种人脸和字词的N170适应效应是专家化物体所特有的现象还是在非专家化物体中也存在?以及这种适应效应是如何发展变化的?这些科学问题都不清楚。同时,以往的研究发现熟悉性是影响N170成分激活水平的重要因素,但是熟悉性是否调制N170适应效应目前还缺少研究。因此,为了揭示这些问题,本研究采用人工学习范式考察了Greeble和甲骨文学习过程中适应效应的发展变化。研究结果如下: (1)学习前Greeble没有产生N170的类别内适应,而专家化训练后出现了这种类别内适应;甲骨文字形学习前后都产生了类别内适应。这表明N170成分的类别内适应效应是专家化物体的特有机制。 (2)人脸对Greeble、甲骨文以及现代汉字都能产生跨类别的N170适应效应,但是Greeble和甲骨文即使在学习后也不能对人脸产生适应效应。这一不对称的N170类别间适应效应表明,相对于其他专家化物体,人脸专家化加工具有独特的机制。 (3)甲骨文字形学习后的类别内适应效应比学习前更加明显,以及学习前甲骨文与汉字几乎没有适应效应,而学习后这两者之间产生了跨类别适应效应,这表明专家化物体的熟悉程度会调制N170适应效应。
[Abstract]:Visual cognition specialization is one of the basic and core problems in the field of visual perception, although much progress has been made in the study of the neuroelectrophysiological index N170, which was processed by visual experts in the early stage. But the characteristics of expert processing are not very clear. Recently, researchers began to use the ERP rapid adaptation paradigm to reveal the characteristics of expert processing. Previous studies have found that faces and words have a stable N170 class adaptation effect. And the cross-category adaptation effect between faces and words. But is the N170 adaptation effect of human faces and words unique to expert objects or is it also present in non-expert objects? And how does this adaptation effect evolve? At the same time, previous studies have found that familiarity is an important factor affecting the activation level of N170 components, but whether familiarity modulates the adaptation effect of N170 has not yet been studied. In this study, artificial learning paradigm was used to investigate the development of adaptation effects in the learning process of Greeble and Oracle. The results are as follows:. (1) before learning, Greeble did not produce the intra-category adaptation of N170, but after the expert training, the intra-category adaptation appeared; Intra-class adaptation is produced before and after oracle-bone glyph learning, which indicates that the intra-class adaptation effect of N170 is the unique mechanism of expert objects. (2) face adaptation to Greeble, Oracle and modern Chinese characters can produce cross-category N170 adaptation effects, but Greeble and oracle inscriptions can't adapt to faces even after learning. This asymmetric adaptation effect between N170 classes shows that, Compared with other expert objects, expert face processing has a unique mechanism. 3) Intra-category adaptation effect was more obvious after learning oracle bone inscriptions than before learning, and there was almost no adaptation effect between oracle bone inscriptions and Chinese characters before learning. This indicates that the familiarity of an expert object modulates the adaptation effect of N170.
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