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发布时间:2018-04-04 23:40

  本文选题:隔代教养 切入点:老年人 出处:《中国全科医学》2016年07期

[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the mental health status of the elderly brought up in alternate generations and to explore its influencing factors.Methods from June 2013 to October 2014, 735 elderly people who were raising their grandchildren in community, square, park, kindergarten and school in 7 urban areas of Beijing were selected by convenient sampling method.The general data and the status of intergenerational education were investigated by self-designed questionnaire, and the mental health status of the elderly was investigated by life satisfaction questionnaire, short depression scale, short loneliness scale and Chinese emotion scale (brief version).Multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors.The score of negative emotion was 9.5 卤3.8).The scores of life satisfaction were negatively correlated with depression, loneliness and negative emotion (P 0.05), but positively correlated with positive emotion (P 0.05).The scores of negative emotions were positively correlated with the scores of positive emotions (P0.05), and negatively correlated with the scores of positive emotions (P0.05); the scores of loneliness showed linear negative correlations with the scores of positive emotions (P0.05), while the scores of negative emotions were positively correlated with the scores of negative emotions (P0.05), and the scores of positive emotions were negatively correlated with the scores of negative emotions (P0.05).The emotional score showed a linear negative correlation (P 0.05).There were significant differences in life satisfaction, depression, loneliness, positive emotion and negative emotion scores among the intergenerational old people with different chronic diseases and life events in half a year (P 0.05).There were significant differences in life satisfaction, depression, loneliness, positive emotion and negative emotion scores between the elders with different grandchildren 'wishes and the same degree as the children's upbringing concept (P 0.05).The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the degree of agreement with the concept of children's upbringing, the will of raising grandchildren, the chronic disease finally entered all regression equations (P0.05), and the occurrence of life events in half a year entered the other regression equation (P0.05) except loneliness.Conclusion the mental health of the elderly brought up by different generations is better in general.The main factors that affect the mental health of the aged from generation to generation are the degree of conformity with their children's idea of upbringing, the will of their grandchildren, the chronic diseases and the life events.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院心理研究所;中国科学院大学;


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