本文选题:初中生 + 校内人际关系 ; 参考:《西华师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Junior high school students of this age age is an individual growth stage.Junior high school students in this stage are the important period of individual discovery of the world, acceptance of self, and behavior norms. They grow up with their age in the aspects of physical development, self-concept and socialization.At the same time, it is also a critical period for the rapid development of individuals.When individuals encounter adverse events and have adverse effects on themselves, they will try to find a suitable way to solve the problems encountered, so it is necessary for individuals to have a good coping style.The good coping style of junior high school students can not only promote their physical and mental health development, but also benefit them to understand the world and solve the problems they encounter better.This paper mainly studies the interpersonal relationship of junior high school students, so the object of interpersonal relationship is teachers and classmates.In the face of the events, their own reaction or behavior will affect their teachers and students' views or comments on them, of course, teachers' and classmates' behavior will also have an important impact on their coping style.Therefore, this study attempts to explore the effects of coping styles on peer and teacher-student relationships through a study of coping styles and interpersonal relationships in schools.On the basis of other studies, this paper chooses three junior middle school students to study the relationship between coping style and peer, teacher-student relationship, and puts forward corresponding suggestions on how to improve the coping style of junior high school students.In this study, the coping style scale of middle school students, the evaluation scale of teacher-student relationship and the sub-scale of peer relationship were used to survey 430 junior high school students to find out the general situation of coping style and peer, teacher-student relationship.The relationship between coping styles, peers, teachers and students is studied. The results are as follows: 1.Coping style scale 4 points, from each factor score, can be summed up, junior high school students to positive coping style mainly. 2.The gender difference of coping style of junior high school students is not significant, but the coping style of junior high school students in grade, grade one, two, three grades are significant difference. 3.From the total score of teacher-student relationship, there is no significant gender difference in teacher-student relationship among junior high school students, but there is significant difference in teacher-student relationship between junior high school students and junior high school students.And students from different regions have significant differences in teacher-student relationship. 4.The gender difference of peer relationship of junior high school students was not significant, but there were significant differences in peer relationship between junior high school students and junior high school students.There was no significant regional difference in peer relationship among junior high school students, but the average score of household registration in rural areas was slightly higher than that in urban areas.Junior high school students' teacher-student relationship is significantly related to coping style, and junior high school students' coping style has significant correlation with peer relationship. 6.This paper puts forward some suggestions on cultivating junior high school students' positive coping style from objective and subjective aspects.
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