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发布时间:2018-04-28 08:01

  本文选题:视觉通道 + 听觉通道 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在人类文明发展史上,数字的出现是一个重要的里程碑。数字不仅可以帮助人们传达精确的时间信息,还可以为人们提供精确的顺序和大小消息。因此,数字的魅力引起了不同领域学者的普遍关注,对人类数字能力的研究也一直是心理学研究中的热点问题。Dehaene等(1993)采用奇偶判断的实验范式,实验要求被试对数字奇偶性质做出判断,结果发现不论奇数还是偶数,对较小数字的反应左手比右手快,对较大数字的反应右手比左手快,他将这种数字大小与左右手反应速度之间的关系命名为空间数字的反应编码联合效应(the effect of spatial numerical association of response codes),简称SNARC效应。在研究数字表征的实验中,研究者还发现了另一个重要的效应,即数字大小与奇偶性质之间的关系,这种效应被命名为反应编码语言学显著性效应(the effect of linguistic markedness of response codes),简称为MARC效应。一般来讲,研究者多通过这两种效应来研究数字的空间表征。 自从Dehaene等发现SNARC效应以来,数字的空间表征研究取得了很大的进展,也发现了许多新的问题,如被试对英文数字的加工是否和阿拉伯数字以及中文数字相同?不同加工通道下对数字进行表征时,SNARC效应的加工机制是否相同?视觉加工通道下的MARC效应和听觉加工通道下的MARC效应特征与机制是否相同?基于这些问题,本研究将探讨不同加工通道下(视觉通道和听觉通道)的数字空间表征机制。本研究通过三个实验对这一问题进行探讨。 实验一探讨视觉通道中的数字空间表征加工机制:实验采用奇偶判断的实验范式,以阿拉伯数字、中文数字和英文数字等三种不同形式的符号数字为实验刺激,探讨被试对这三种不同形式符号数字的空间表征。实验二探讨同样是奇偶判断的实验范式下听觉通道中的数字空间表征加工机制:实验以中文数字和英文数字为实验刺激,探讨被试对这两种数字的空间表征。实验三探讨在标准数比较的实验范式下听觉通道中的数字空间表征加工机制:实验同样以中文数字和英文数字为实验刺激,探讨被试对这两种数字的空间表征。 通过实验、分析、讨论,我们得出如下结论:(1)中国个体对英文数字的加工过程可能更复杂,他们对中文数字的加工策略会对英文数字加工产生一定影响。(2) SNARC效应具有一定的加工通道差异性,在听觉通道下,如果激活了数字数量信息,则会产生SNARC效应,如果没有进一步激活数字的数量信息,则不会产生SNARC效应。(3)MARC效应具有一定的加工通道差异性,听觉输入类似于言语输入,能够更大的激活数字的语言学显著性。语言显著性激活是MARC效应产生的前提,如果实验中还存在数字性质的分类,则会增强MARC效应。
[Abstract]:In the history of human civilization, the emergence of numbers is an important milestone. Numbers can not only help people convey accurate time information, but also provide accurate order and size messages. Therefore, the charm of numbers has attracted the attention of scholars in different fields, and the study of human digital ability has always been a hot issue in psychology. Dehaene et al. 1993) adopts the experimental paradigm of parity judgment. The subjects were asked to judge the properties of odd and even numbers. The results showed that the reaction of the left hand to the smaller number was faster than that of the right hand, and the right hand to the larger number was faster than the left hand. He named the relationship between the number size and the reaction velocity of the left and right hand as the effect of spatial numerical association of response codesman, or SNARC effect. In an experiment to study digital representation, the researchers also found another important effect, the relationship between the size of numbers and the properties of parity. This effect is named the effect of linguistic markedness of response codesman, or MARC effect. Generally speaking, researchers study the spatial representation of numbers through these two effects. Since Dehaene et al. discovered the SNARC effect, great progress has been made in the study of spatial representation of numbers, and many new problems have been found, such as whether the processing of English numbers is the same as that of Arabic numerals and Chinese numerals. Is the processing mechanism of SNARC effect the same when the number is characterized by different processing channels? Are the characteristics and mechanisms of MARC effect in visual processing channel and MARC effect in auditory processing channel the same? Based on these problems, this study will explore the digital spatial representation mechanism of different processing channels (visual channel and auditory channel). In this study, three experiments were conducted to study this problem. Experiment 1 discusses the processing mechanism of digital space representation in visual channels: the experiment adopts the experimental paradigm of odd-even judgment, and uses Arabic numerals, Chinese numerals and English numerals as experimental stimuli in three different forms, namely, Arabic numerals, Chinese numerals and English numerals. This paper discusses the spatial representation of these three different forms of symbols and numbers. The second experiment was to explore the processing mechanism of digital space representation in auditory channels under the same odd-even judgment paradigm: the Chinese and English numbers were used as experimental stimuli to explore the spatial representation of the two numbers. Experiment 3 discussed the processing mechanism of digital spatial representation in auditory channels under the experimental paradigm of standard number comparison. The experiment also used Chinese and English numbers as experimental stimuli to explore the spatial representation of these two numbers. Through experiments, analyses and discussions, we draw the following conclusion: 1) the processing of English numbers by Chinese individuals may be more complicated. Their processing strategies for Chinese digits have a certain effect on English digital processing. (2) the SNARC effect has certain processing channel differences. In auditory channels, if the digital quantitative information is activated, the SNARC effect will be produced. If the quantitative information of the number is not further activated, there will be no SNARC effect. The MARC effect has some processing channel differences. The auditory input is similar to the speech input, which can activate the linguistic significance of the number more significantly. The significant activation of language is the premise of the MARC effect. If there is a classification of numerical properties in the experiment, the MARC effect will be enhanced.


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